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  • Fixed docs on GitBook.
  • Fixed version of Skript-Gson, which is now free of dangerous bugs. Json Mapping fix
  • Feature 'with variables'
  • Feature ~%object% -> JsonKeys for Changer
Thank you all for your attention. Sincerely Coffee. FTW Skript-Gson Full Changelog: https://github.com/cooffeeRequired/skript-gson/compare/1.2.2...1.3.1
Skript-Gson 1.3.0
  • Fixed docs on GitBook.
  • Fixed version of Skript-Gson, which is now free of dangerous bugs. Json Mapping fix will be out in 2 days
  • Fixed Mapping of Json
  • Fixed Form Formatted json from Mapped json List List
  • Fixed Create Json.
  • Fixed New json things
  • Fixed Writing or Appending to the file
  • Add ChangeJson.
  • Add RegexMatchJson
  • Added Json Has or Hasn't key
  • Added Color Support, decoding in the file.
  • Added Better Sterilizer for Skript/Bukkit Classes
  • Removed necessary things..
Thank you all for your attention. Sincerely Coffee. FTW Skript-Gson Full Changelog: https://github.com/cooffeeRequired/skript-gson/compare/1.2.2...1.3.0

Skript-Gson 1.2.0

Hello everyone
This patch won't please some of you, mainly because after reaching the 50th download milestone we noticed that few people know how Non-Literal Json means [code single]json ...[/code] works.

So we decided to remove this feature and work on improvements in putting and adding to the Json file/variable.
The last version is rather a mess and so this version will be cleaned of all necessities plus the examples will be corrected so that the layman can understand them

➕ Finished: [code single]ExprNewJson.class[/code]
[a] [new] json from [(text|string|request)] %object%
❌ Removed: [code single]Non-Literal from ExprNewJson.class[/code]
➕ Added: serialization\deserialization for [code single]ItemTypes,BlockData[/code] etc.. More here

➕ Finished: [code single]ExprJsonListToJsonElement.class[/code] -> Fixed working with objects, now you can change the whole variable.
➕ Added: [code single]ExprCountOfJson.class[/code]
[a] count of [key] %string% in %jsonelement%
➕ Added: [code single]ExprJsonRegexMatch.class[/code]
[json] %jsonelement% [regex] match[es] %string%
♾️ Change/Fix: [code single]ExprLoadJsonFile.class[/code] -> At this moment i cannot guarantee the syntax

♾️ Planed: [code single]EffHandleJsonFile.class[/code]
load json file %string% as id %string%
unload json file [id] %string%
save json file [id] %string%
♾️ Planed-Rework: [code single]EffMapJsonToList.class[/code] -> will contains new feature.
♾️ Planed-Rework: [code single]EffWriteToFile.class[/code] -> will contains new feature.

➕ Added: [code single]CondJsonHas.class[/code]
%jsonelement% has (:key|:value) %objects%
%jsonelement% has list (:keys|:values) %objects%
♾️ Planed-Rework: [code single]CondJsonValueObject.class[/code]
[a] value %string% in %jsonelement% is (:true|:false)
[a] value %string% in %jsonelement% is string
[a] value %string% in %jsonelement% is integer
[a] value %string% in %jsonelement% is boolean
[a] value %string% in %jsonelement% can be parsed
Thank you all for your attention. \
Sincerely Coffee.

FTW *Skript-Gson*

Hello everyone

This patch fixes bugs #1, #2
and also fixes a syntax error where you couldn't use variables for example in
'append.. '

Change from

  "[a] [new] json from (string|text) %string%",
  "[a] [new] json from file [path] %string%",
  "json (([<.+>])|({<.+>}))",

On \


"[a] [new] json from (string|text) %string%",
"[a] [new] json from file [path] %string%",
"(json ((<\\[.*\\]>)|(<\\{.*\\}>)|((\\\"|')<.+>(\\\"|'))|(<(true|false)>)))"

[h3]Also added a new substring \[/h3]
[a] json file %object% is exist
Skript-Gson 1.1.0

This this realese brings new features such as.

  • (load|open)[ed] json file %string%


  • write [new] data %jsonelement% to [json] file %object%

  • append(ing|) [new] data %jsonelement% to [json] file %object% [:emoji_slight_smile:as) [nested] object %-jsonelement% [:emoji_slight_smile:with) [property] key %-string/integer%]]

Full Changelog: https://github.com/cooffeeRequired/skript-gson/compare/1.0.2-Beta...1.1.0