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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

SkJson 2.0

SkJson 2.9

It's finally here, we have finally seen a fully stable version of SkJson, i.e. version 2.9 which introduced SkJson in the biggest steam, A lot of changes have been made from the ground up.

We have created our own documentation page for SkJson, on this page we will be able to post thready where you can share your code Snippets, we also have documentation for both versions with examples. The documentation is...

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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

SkJson 2.9

SkJson 2.9

It's finally here, we have finally seen a fully stable version of SkJson, i.e. version 2.9 which introduced SkJson in the biggest steam, A lot of changes have been made from the ground up.

We have created our own documentation page for SkJson, on this page we will be able to post thready where you can share your code, we also have documentation for both versions with examples. The documentation is automatically...

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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

SkJson legacy

SkJson 2.8 (latest 2.8.6) Legacy
This is legacy version fro Skript 2.6.3 +

We have created our own documentation page for SkJson, on this page we will be able to post thready where you can share your code, we also have documentation for both versions with examples. The documentation is automatically updated! Let's get started on the changes!


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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

SkJson 2.9

SkJson 2.9

It's finally here, we have finally seen a fully stable version of SkJson, i.e. version 2.9 which introduced SkJson in the biggest steam, A lot of changes have been made from the ground up.

We have created our own documentation page for SkJson, on this page we will be able to post thready where you can share your code, we also have documentation for both versions with examples. The documentation is automatically...

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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

Async-await-request, Literal Json String

Working with Json within a literal has been added,
as well as improved asynchronous processing for the Request class.
Example of Request

If there is a return in on complete then skjson will recognize that you want to wait for a response, RECOMMENDATION: use this only when you know the server is available.
also in on complete you can execute any code because this section is so called executable


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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

Fixed Requests | Webhooks

This release fixes a serious bug in requests and webhooks that asynchronous startup did not work and blocked the main thread...
! It has also been removed for now on complete until I find out exactly why it blocked the main thread as well
on load:
    make new GET request to "" and store it in {_data}:
       content: {_content}
       status code: {_code}
    execute {_data} and wait
    send {_content}
When you...

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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

new expression for handling files in the directory.

on script load:
    send all json files in dir "./plugins/Skript/JSONS"

    loop all json files in dir "./plugins/Skript/JSONS":
        send loop-file
        send json from file loop-file

that will allowed to you, loop through directory and get the path of the given file and also the json from it.

Full Changelog:

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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

Major SkJson Update (Breaking changes!)

Major updates to SkJson (breaking changes!)

Internal API has been changed for the latest version only Skript 2.8+ is supported, also requests have been changed, now they are more skript friendly from
on script load:
    async make POST request to "":
        headers: "Content-Type: application/json"
        content: json from text "{userId: 1, products: [{id: 1, quantity: 1}, {id: 50, [quote][/quote]quantity: 2}]}"...

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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

Fix Some small issues and typos

What's Changed
* Switch from json serializaton to custom adapters by @SkJsonTeam in
* Switch from json serializaton to custom adapters by @cooffeeRequired in

Full Changelog:

## BugFixes
##### 1. Bug regarding bad encoding of ASCII...

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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

Fix editing files, request on authorized website, fix patch request

Full Changelog:

## BugFixes
### 1. Bug regarding on editing files. with effect edit
[quote][/quote]command changefile:
>	trigger:
>		edit value "type" of json file "plugins/Skript/scripts/test.json" to "DIAMOND"
###### Before

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CoffeeRequired updated skJson with a new update entry:

Fix nbt issues, add ~ as path identifier

Full Changelog:

## BugFixes
##### 1. Bug regarding bad parsing of nbt
[quote][/quote]command /addtrade:
[quote][/quote]   permission: OP
[quote][/quote]   trigger:
[quote][/quote]      set {_jt} to json from file "plugins/SkJson/test.json" # this is my json file...

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