Skitch - The Twitch Addon

Addon Skitch - The Twitch Addon 1.4.2

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[bd4da8e]( :zap: added async - Danny
[fb7c6eb]( :rocket: update version, api - Danny
[31edcbd]( :zap: added async - Danny
[c8a0415]( :recycle: changed some events - Danny
[d7eb535]( :memo: Docs changed / added - Danny
Create LICENSE - TrasonCo
removed old file - Danny
✨ added top predictor as list - Danny
✨ clip event - Danny
Critical Hotfix - Danny
✨ ClipTitle - Danny
✨ new error message - Danny
⚡ changed to async - Danny
✨ added announce - Danny
✨ new version - Danny
What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: click here
This update contains:
  • New Command System
  • channeluserid
  • thumbnail fix