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- now addon supports minecraft versions from 1.8 to 1.20.2
- Skript 2.7+, Skript for 1.8 support
- cumulus 2.0 and some bugs/mistakes fixes
- improve sockets module, now addon can be installed both on velocity/bungeecord/spigot.
- added drawing on maps functionality and auto-saving edited maps
- added bitwise operations (some part from bitshift addon)
- sql prepared statements
- removed a lot of unneeded stuff from gui and floodgate module
- fixed cpu load expression, because it works wrong in some cases
- new documentation
and something , I don't remember
  • Added socket connection support
  • Updated web requests
  • Some code improvements
Now Skcrew allow you to communicate servers with each other if you are using Velocity proxy server
Web requests now allow you using any request methods with sync and async effects

Read the documentation for more information
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Reactions: ringoXD
Continue war with cumulus api update and related with this bugs
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Reactions: w0w0
- Temporarily fix problem with new Floodgate versions
- Removed spectator events because it implemented in next version of Skript
- Provided upstream of Skript-GUI
- Removed environment expression and its types because it implemented in next version of Skript
- Changed syntax of `name of %path%` to %(file|dir[ectory])name of %path%` due to conflicts with Skript
- Fix some other bugs (I dont remember)
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Reactions: w0w0
Some bug fixes from github issue.
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Reactions: w0w0
Added ViaVersion support, such as get protocol and string version of player
Some changed syntax of checking floodgate player
Added soft depends and depend to plugin.yml for correct load
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Reactions: w0w0
Added docs for SkUnity and fix some mistakes
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Reactions: w0w0