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Not working for me. :c
The sidebar crashes everything and the console report multiple bugs.
I have downloaded all the requirements for this skript as per the instructions. On load, There is 48 errors mostly due to indentation errors (A lot of them) I have contacted the dev several times now and he has refused to fix them. So if this skript won't load what is the point of it?
Errors: https://pastebin.com/7eYLQthH
Hello Shane, i really appreciate your review, i willing to be fixing the resource on my best. If you got any other errors, please contact me via discord. Toreo#1450
Just the average core skript, im not here to hate (so you know) oh and a quick note: you did the /pl hider wrong, you can tab with /ver, not gonna tell ya how to fix that but its possible
its now a custom /pl, Thanks for your reviews :D
Well in version 2.0 BETA it is basicly and duels plugin, fix your shit plz ty
Fixed. You don't have to say "Sh*t" xD