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Download this script here: https://forums.skunity.com/resources/mcmmogui.1165/download?version=2724

- Skript (last tested on 2.5-beta4)
- skript-reflect (tested on 2.1.0)
- mcMMO (tested on 2.1.145)

Major features

  • Performance upgrade (not in code though)
  • view your party
  • view all parties
  • manage those
  • now click skill's icon to dispatch its command (feedback suggestion)
  • leaderboards category in main interface, showing overall rank and power level
Minor features

  • Script is more configurable
  • More explanation of config values in script
If you enjoy that addon please consider liking it, rating it, proposing new featues and, of course, appreciating my work :emoji_wink: