
Addon Khoryl 1.1.2

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- Updated to Skript 2.7.3
- Updated to Spigot 1.20.4
- Added support for itemtypes in the bundle items expression changer.
- Added an expression to apply a block state to items.
%itemtype/itemstack% with [the] block state [meta] [(from|of) %block%]
%itemtype/itemstack% with %block%'[s] block state [meta]
on right click on any standing banner:
    player's tool is a shield
    apply block state from clicked block to player's tool
- Added multiples support for merchant recipes.
- Updated libraries.
- Updated to 2.7.0 but can still run on older Skript versions.
- Updated to 1.20.2
- Added can breath underwater condition
%livingentities% can breathe under[ [the ]]water

%livingentities% (can't|cannot|can not) breathe under[ [the ]]water
- Added camel dashing condition
%camels% (is|are) dashing

%camels% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) dashing
- Added setting if a camel is dashing
set dashing of %camels% to %boolean%
- Added sniffer explored locations
explored locations of %sniffers%

%sniffer%'[s] explored locations
- Added block state meta to be applied to items effect
apply [the] block state [meta] [(from|of) %block%] to %itemtype/itemstack%


on right click on any standing banner:

    player's tool is a shield

    apply block state of clicked block to player's tool
- Added bookshelf slots
set [displaying|occupied] bookshelf slot[s] %numbers% of %blocks% to %boolean%

# Expression returns integer

[max:max[imum] number of] occupied slots of %blocks%

%block%'[s] [max:max[imum] number of] occupied slots
- Added end gateway support
# Conditions

%blocks% (is|are) [an] exact teleport [location]

%blocks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) [an] exact teleport [location]

# Expressions both settable and addable respectfully

%blocks% [end] [gateway] exit location

%blocks% [end] gateway age

# Effects

set exact teleport [location] of %blocks% to %boolean%
- Added end crystal support
# Effects

set showing bottom [base] of %blocks% to %boolean%

# Conditions

%blocks% (is|are) showing bottom [base]

%blocks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) showing bottom [base]

# Expressions

[crystal] beam (target|location) of %blocks%

%blocks%'[s] [crystal] beam (target|location)
- Added Minecart support
# Conditions

%minecarts% (is|are) slow when empty

%minecarts% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) slow when empty

# Expressions

[minecart] block[ ]data[s] of %minecarts%

%minecarts%'[s] [minecart] block[ ]data[s]

minecart damage of %minecarts%

%minecarts%'[s] minecart damage

[minecart] derail ve(ctor|locity) [mod] of %minecarts%

%minecarts%'[s] [minecart] derail ve(ctor|locity) [mod]

minecart display [block [data]] offset of %minecarts%

%minecarts%'[s] minecart display [block [data]] offset

[minecart] flying ve(ctor|locity) [mod] of %minecarts%

%minecarts%'[s] [minecart] flying ve(ctor|locity) [mod]

minecart max speed of %minecarts%

%minecarts%'[s] minecart max speed

set slow when empty state of %minecarts%
  • Added dispense effect
  • Added drop dropper effect
  • Added ender portal syntaxes
  • Small syntax fixes
  • Sign syntaxes like glowing and editable
  • Collide states
  • Is valid condition
  • Combust time, combust events so you can now get when an item is thrown in lava
  • Optimizations
I guess I forgot to upload all the 1.17-1.18 content with 1.0.4, so here is 1.0.4 and 1.0.5

The amount of syntaxes added will take me hours to add here, so all syntaxes will be present on in the coming hours.

Auto docs will generate now unsure how accurate they will be though.

- Added AI toggle for entities (means they don't move and just stand there) 1.11+.
- Added pickup status for living entities.
- Added climbing condition of living entities. 1.17+.
- Added swimming state for living entities. 1.17+.
- Added some armour stand syntaxes.
- Added more merchantrecipes syntaxes, villagers can be used in the expression.
- Added Vex syntaxes.
- Added Wolf angry.
- Updated Spigot to 1.19.
- Updated Skript to 2.6.2.
- Updated Gradle to 7.3.1.
- Added Redstone power on analogue powerable blocks.
- Added sculk catalyst bloom 1.19+
- Added last vibration sculk sensor and sensor phase 1.19+
- Added summon state of sculker shriekers 1.19+
- Added warning levels of sculker shriekers 1.19+
- Added shriek trigger 1.19+
- Added frozen state 1.18+
- Added condition to check if entity is inside a vehicle
- Added client side visible fire
- Added entity rotation
- Added freeze ticks 1.18+
- Added Axolotl syntaxes 1.19+
- Added Frog syntaxes 1.19+
- Added chested horse syntaxes and now works as an inventory in Skript.
- Added the new left and right horn additions from goats 1.19+
- Added item frame visibility
- Added item frame drop chances
- Added itemframe syntaxes
- Added shivering syntaxes
- Added boost steering syntaxes
- Added steering syntaxes
- Added steering material (on a stick)
- Added charging syntaxes
- Added more age syntaxes
- Added Warden syntaxes 1.19+
- Added tad pole syntaxes 1.19+
- Added new sculker events

Events notice:
The new sculker events are `[on] sculk [shrieker] shriek[ing]` and `[on] sculk [sensor] [tendrils] clicking`
The event values can be event-location, event-entity and event-number. The number being radius. The event values may not be present for either event. It appears that Mojang has not properly implemented the sculker events yet, there was a dedicated packet for it in the pre-releases and snapshots, but they're removed in the offical 1.19 so no clue. Spigot just threw the events into the GenericGameEvent category because of this, so the performance of this it not the best, but it's definitely handled properly, so use sparing until Mojang probably fixes in the future with continued updates.
Can't wait for Skript 1.17 additions? Well you can start with blocks and entities from the new 1.17 update with Khoryl.

Updated to Skript 2.6+ this version cannot run on older Skript versions.
Newly added types:
# Big dripleaf
   none: none
   unstable: unstable
   partial: partial
   full: full, pinball
# Dripstone thiccness
   tip_merge: tip merge, merge point, extended tip
   tip: tip, just the tip, top, top section
   frustum: frustum, top section
   middle: middle, middle section
   base: base
       base, default, blank
       border, outline
       circle middle, circle in middle
       creeper, creeper head
       curly border, curly outline, squiggly outline
       diagonal left
       diagonal left mirror     
       diagonal right
       diagonal right mirror
       gradient, fade
       gradient up, fade up
       half horizontal
       half horizontal mirror
       half vertical
       half vertical mirror
       rhombus middle, rhombus
       square bottom left
       square bottom right
       square top left
       square top right
       straight cross
       stripe bottom
       stripe center
       stripe down left
       stripe down right
       stripe left
       stripe middle
       stripe right
       stripe small
       stripe top
       triangle bottom
       triangle top
       triangles bottom
       triangles top

Added banner syntaxes
set [banner] pattern at %number% to %bannerpattern% in [banner[s]] %banners%
remove [banner] pattern at %number% in [banner[s]] %banners%

# Can be set to a colour
[banner] base colo[u]r of %banners%
%banners%'[s] [banner] base colo[u]r

# All changers with bannerpatterns
banner patterns of %banners%
%banners%'[s] banner patterns

%bannerpatterntype% [banner] pattern colo[u]red %color%

Added converter to convert villager entities to inventory for inventory syntaxes.
Added an expression to get merchants from entities
[(all [[of] the]|the)] merchant[s] (from|of) %livingentities%
[(all [[of] the]|the)] %livingentities%'[s] merchant[s]

Added beacon block syntaxes
(affected entities around|entities in range of) beacon[s] of %beacons%
%beacons%'[s] (affected entities around|entities in range of) beacon[s]

# Can be set to a potion
primary [beacon] [potion] effect[s] of %beacons%
%beacons%'[s] primary [beacon] [potion] effect[s]

# Can be set to a potion
second[ary] [beacon] [potion] effect[s] of %beacons%
%beacons%'[s] second[ary] [beacon] [potion] effect[s]

[beacon] tier[s] of %beacons%
%beacons%'[s] [beacon] tier[s]

Added entity storage syntaxes such as beehives
%blocks% (is|are) full
%blocks% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) full

release [(all [[of] the]|the)] entities (from|in) [block[s]] %blocks%

# All changers to a number
max[imum] entit(ies|y count) of %blocks%
%beacons%'[s] max[imum] entit(ies|y count)

Added Beehive syntaxes
%beehives% (is|are) sedated
%beehives% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) sedated

# Can be set to a location
[bee[ ]hive] flower [location] of %beehives%
%beehives%'[s] [bee[ ]hive] flower [location]

Added an effect to open and close blocks such as chests, barrels, shulkers and enderchests
(1¦open|2¦close) [lidded] blocks %blocks%

Added an expression to get and set block rotation
# Can be set to a block face or direction
block rotation of %blocks%
%blocks%'[s] block rotation

Added an expression to get and set skull owner of a block
skull owner of %blocks%
%blocks%'[s] skull owner

Added some cool abstract utility classes for doing things Khoryl does if any developers would like to extend Khoryl.
Added big dripleaf syntaxes
# Can be set to a big dripleaf tilt
[big dripleaf] tilt of %bigdripleafs%
%bigdripleafs%'[s] [big dripleaf] tilt

Added candle syntaxes
# All changers to a number
candle count of %candles%
%candles%'[s] candle count

max candle count of %candles%
%candles%'[s] max candle count

Added cavevine syntaxes
# Can be set to a boolean
berr(y|ies) state of %cavevines%
%cavevines%'[s] berr(y|ies) state

Added dripstone syntaxes
# Can be set to a direction or block face
dripstone [vertical] direction[s] of %dripstones%
%dripstones%'[s] dripstone [vertical] direction[s]

# Can be set to a thickness
[dripstone] thickness of %dripstones%
%dripstones%'[s] [dripstone] thickness

Added goat syntaxes
%goats% (is|are) screaming
%goats% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) screaming

screaming [state] of %goats%
%goats%'[s] screaming [state]

Updated to 1.17 spigot
    - Bee nectar condition
        - %bees% (has|have) nectar
        - %bees% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have nectar
    - Bee stung condition
        - %bees% (has|have) stung
        - %bees% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have stung
    - Bee anger level expression, changers SET, returns NUMBER
        - [bee] anger level of %bees%
        - %bees%'[s] [bee] anger level
    - Bee nectar expression, changers SET, returns BOOLEAN
        - [bee] nectar of %bees%
        - %bees%'[s] [bee] nectar
    - Bee cannot enter hive ticks expression, changers SET, returns NUMBER
        - cannot enter hive ticks of %bees%
        - %bees%'[s] cannot enter hive ticks
    - Bee flower location condition
        - %bees% (has|have) [a] flower [location]
        - %bees% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] flower [location]
    - Bee flower location expression, changers SET, returns LOCATION (potentially not set)
        - flower location of %bees%
        - %bees%'[s] flower location
    - Bee hive location condition
        - %bees% (has|have) [a] hive [location]
        - %bees% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have [a] hive [location]
    - Bee hive location expression, changers SET, returns LOCATION (potentially not set)
        - hive location of %bees%
        - %bees%'[s] hive location
    - LivingEntity item pickup status expression, changers SET, returns BOOLEAN
        - pickup items status of %livingentities%
        - %livingentities%'[s] pickup items status
    - LivingEntity item pickup status condition
        - %bees% can pickup items
        - %bees% (can't|cannot|can not) pickup items
    - Entity is in vehicle condition
        - %entities% (is|are) in[side] [a] vehicle
        - %entities% (isn't|is not|aren't|are not) in[side] [a] vehicle
  • Tropical fish body colour, changers SET
[tropical] fish [body] colo[u]r of %tropicalfishies%
%tropicalfishies%'[s] [tropical] fish [body] colo[u]r
  • Tropical fish pattern colour, changers SET
[tropical] fish pattern colo[u]r of %tropicalfishies%
%tropicalfishies%'[s] [tropical] fish pattern colo[u]r
  • Tropical fish pattern, changers SET
[tropical] fish pattern of %tropicalfishies%
%tropicalfishies%'[s] [tropical] fish pattern
  • Tropical fish patterns are of the following:
    • betty
    • blockfish
    • brinely
    • clayfish
    • dasher
    • flopper
    • glitter
    • kob
    • snooper
    • spotty
    • stripey
    • sunstreak
  • Example usage: set tropical fish pattern of {_fish} to kob