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Item forge lets you easily create custom items in a YML file!
Requires skript-reflect and SkBee!
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Create a .yml file inside plugins/Skript/scripts/ItemForge, the name doesn't matter and can be used to group your items. The root key will always be the ID of your item, the ID is used to give the item to someone. Inside the ID will be properties such as name, lore, type, etc. Here is an example file with all the properties vanilla ItemForge comes with.
  type: diamond pickaxe
  name: <red>test
  - <red>abc 1abc
  - <blue>abc 2abc
  amount: 1
  - protection 1
  - unbreaking 2
  nbt: "{myNBT:1}"
  durability: 15
Note that every property is optional and it uses MiniMessage rather than legacy colors (&). You must reload the script to reload the YML file.

To get the item, simply do give {-item::testid} to player

Getting ID of Pre-existing Item

If you want to get the ID of an item after it was given, get the ItemForgeID NBT tag of it.
set {_nbt} to nbt of player's tool
if {_nbt} has tag "ItemForgeID":
  send (tag "ItemForgeID" of {_nbt}) to player

Adding Your Own Properties

Item Forge allows you to add custom properties very easily. All you have to do is create a function for your property and that's all!

Adding a property with a single value:

# {_values} is an Object array
function itemForgeHandler_durability(id: string, values: object):
  set durability of {-item::%{_id}%} to {_values}[0]

Adding a property with multiple values:
function itemForgeHandler_enchantments(id: string, values: object):
  loop ...{_values}:
    set {_enchantment} to loop-value parsed as enchantment type
    if {_enchantment} isn't set:
      # Don't forget to add helpful error messages like this!
      send "&c[ItemForge] Invalid enchantment '%loop-value%' in '%{_id}%.enchantments'." to console
    enchant {-item::%{_id}%} with {_enchantment}

Adding a custom section property:
# ItemForge doesn't have any custom sections on it's own so the example is a bit random.

function itemForgeHandler_section(id: string, values: object):
  set {_section} to {_values}[0] # See org.bukkit.configuration.MemorySection
  set {_a} to {_section}.get("a") # 1
  set {_b} to {_section}.get("b") # 2
# the yml would look like:
    a: 1
    b: 2

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