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What's Changed
  • Added Bee Watcher
  • Added Minecart Watcher
  • Added an expression to get the skin name of a player disguise
  • Added a Grid Lock expression for falling block disguises. e.x.
    set grid lock state of {_disguise} to true
  • Added a config option to show a player's name when disguising (#18 thanks @hapily04)
  • Fixed bug where disguising as a falling block wouldn't set the block of the disguise to the specified one. e.x.
    disguise player as falling furnace

Full Changelog: https://github.com/UnderscoreTud/diskuise/compare/v0.3.2...v0.3.3
Issues: If you experience any issues or bugs in this release, please create a new issue here Issue Tracker
What's Changed
  • Pillager Watcher
  • Puffer Fish Watcher
  • Change the syntax for creating a player disguise
    Old syntax:
    "_tud" player disguise
    New syntax:
     disguise from "_tud"
  • Creating a disguise from an existing entity will copy its properties as well
  • Removed debug messages
  • Fixed bug where Diskuise throws an error when using a stringified variable for creating a player disguise
  • Fixed bug where creating an item frame disguise would create a glow item frame one instead

Full Changelog: https://github.com/UnderscoreTud/diskuise/compare/v0.3.1...v0.3.2
Issues: If you experience any issues or bugs in this release, please create a new issue here Issue Tracker
What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/UnderscoreTud/diskuise/compare/v0.3...v0.3.1
Issues: If you experience any issues or bugs in this release, please create a new issue here Issue Tracker
Just updates the download link
What's Changed
  • Recoded all of Diskuise 0.2's elements, and they should all work better and faster.
  • Diskuise now supports 1.16+. Closes #3
  • Support for Tipped Arrow disguises.
  • Support for Glow Squid disguises.
  • Support for Guardian and Elder Guardian disguises.
  • Support for Wither Skull disguises.
  • Support for Ender Crystal Disguises.
  • Fixing and cleaning stuff.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/UnderscoreTud/diskuise/compare/v0.2-beta3...v0.3
Issues: If you experience any issues or bugs in this release, please create a new issue here Issue Tracker
What's Changed
  • 0.2-beta3 by @UnderscoreTud in #2
  • Added clone disguise element
  • Added temporary disguises and disguising entities for specific players only
  • Support for Bat, Insentient, Enderman, Ghast and Iron Golem Watchers

Full Changelog: v0.2-beta2...v0.2-beta3
  • Like
Reactions: orange233
- Added a watcher for Player disguises, Item Frame disguises and Painting disguises
- Bug fixes

Full Changelog here
-Added support for Falling Blocks, Dropped Items and Area Effect Cloud disguises
-Bug fixes

Full Changelog Here