
✨ProRegions✨ 1.2-SNAPSHOT

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Supported Minecraft Versions
  1. 1.18
  2. 1.19
  3. 1.20

Create custom regions that lets you add in actions that will execute whenever you enter the region for instance, console commands, particle effects, messages and a lot more!


  • PlaceholderAPI Support
  • Tab Completions Support
  • Entry Titles
  • Entry Subtitles
  • Entry Sound
  • Entry Particle
  • Entry Actionbar
  • Entry Bossbar
  • Entry Permission
  • Entry Denial Permission Message
  • Entry Commands (Player & Console)
  • Entry Messages

/proregion - Main command for the plugin
/proregion create <name> - Creates a region
/proregion delete <name> - Deletes a region
/proregion reload - Reload the config.yml
/proregion placeholders - View the plugins placeholders in-game
/proregion pos1 <name> - Set pos1 of a region
/proregion pos2 <name> - Set pos2 of a region
/proregion title <name> <title> - Set a title of a region
/proregion subtitle <name> <subtitle> - Set a subtitle of a region
/proregion sound <name> <sound> - Set a sound of a region
/proregion particle <name> <particle> - Set a particle of a region
/proregion actionbar <name> <actionbar> - Set a actionbar of a region
/proregion bossbar <name> <bossbar> - Set a bossbar of a region
/proregion permission <name> <permission> - Set a permission to enter a region
/proregion permmsg <name> <perm message> - Set a entry denial permission of a region
/proregion command <name> <add|remove> <player|console> <command> - Add/remove a player/console entry cmd
/proregion message <name> <add|remove> <message> - Add/remove a entry message


/proregion - proregion.admin


%proregions_region% - Gets the current region a player is in



















If you wish to get support for ProRegions or any other of my plugins please join my discord server to get access to support & to report bugs and suggest features!

Discord: https://discord.gg/s4z4z9XYaZ
Digital product
License duration
8.99 USD
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

More resources from DerpyTurtlez

Latest updates

  1. HotFix Update

    Fixed regions being completely broken due to the last update (Should be fixed now)
  2. Region Update

    All regions are now a one time enterance meaning when you enter the region for the first time...