♦ Animated Blocks Plus ♦ Make your server become alive [Config] [1.8 - 1.12] [OPEN SOURCE]

Script ♦ Animated Blocks Plus ♦ Make your server become alive [Config] [1.8 - 1.12] [OPEN SOURCE] 1.2.1

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Hello Everybody, Merry Christmas I know I'm late a little bit, sorry for that :emoji_grinning:

I just made this little update with a couple fixes, but the important thing is.. XMAS SALE and it is (65%) and it will last to 1/1/2018, don't miss this sale :emoji_slight_smile:


• v1.2.1:
- Fixed Some messages.
- Minor bugs fixed.
- Added Auto version update from any old version to the newest.
- If you have any suggestion/problem please contact me on SkUnity.

Have fun everyone and Happy Holiday.