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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. erenkara

    Script Animated BossBars 1.1.0

    Easily display animated boss bars using Animated BossBars. It supports PAPI placeholders but it is disabled by default. Enable it inside Installation Unzip inside plugins/Skript/scripts. Requires skript-reflect and SkBee Usage Method 1 - Using the config Create a bossbar...
  2. E

    How can i make an animated Crate?

    Hello guys! I wanted to ask how i can make a animated crate? yk when you open it, it will go from right to left and the item in the mid wins the user when the animation stoped. Can someone pls help me?
  3. S

    skAnimatedTags (Under pleayer heads tags)

    Hello guys: Suggested name: skAnimatedTags, skAnimatedNames, skPlayersNameTags What I want: I want to see realy realy some realy good skript for that the player can have under heads 2 maybe 2 lines of Tags, possible to see Prefix player name and suffix and possible option a config in wich...
  4. Ayham Alali

    Script ♦ Animated Blocks Plus ♦ Make your server become alive [Config] [1.8 - 1.12] [OPEN SOURCE] 1.2.1

    Read the whole page before purchasing Join our Discord for support [!] This script can be downloaded from Github [!] Animated Blocks Plus: is a Custom Skript made by Ayham Alali, and he decided to share it with you :emoji_slight_smile: Why Plus? Well, Take a look at Features...
  5. Snow-Pyon

    Script Tab 1.4

    Description This is a script for modify the tablist with configurable header, footer and the name of a player in the tablist. Features Animated header. Animated footer. Yaml configuration. Custom tablist name. Default tab format. Per-world tablist and tablist custom name. Animated tablist...