Solved Help with some characters can't replaced.

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May 8, 2017
Can someone help me with color format isn't replaced

Method 1: #looping
command /acac [<text>]:
        if arg is not set:
            set {_arg} to "null"
            set {_name} to "null"
        if arg is set:
            set {_arg} to "%arg%"
            set {_name} to "%arg%"
        add "&a" to {_color::*}
        add "&b" to {_color::*}
        add "&c" to {_color::*}
        add "&d" to {_color::*}
        add "&e" to {_color::*}
        add "&f" to {_color::*}
        add "&r" to {_color::*}
        add "&0" to {_color::*}
        add "&1" to {_color::*}
        add "&2" to {_color::*}
        add "&3" to {_color::*}
        add "&4" to {_color::*}
        add "&5" to {_color::*}
        add "&6" to {_color::*}
        add "&7" to {_color::*}
        add "&8" to {_color::*}
        add "&9" to {_color::*}
        loop {_color::*}:
            replace all "%loop-value%" in {_name} with ""
        set {_l} to length of {_name}
        set {_l} to {_l} parsed as integer
        send "&bArgument: &a%{_arg}% => %length of {_arg}%"
        send "&bVar: &a%{_name}% => %{_l}%"
        send "&bHashed Argument: &a%hashed {_arg}%"
        send "&bHashed Var: &a%hashed {_name}%"

Method 2: #Manual set (double "&&")
command /acac [<text>]:
        if arg is not set:
            set {_arg} to "null"
            set {_name} to "null"
        if arg is set:
            set {_arg} to "%arg%"
            set {_name} to "%arg%"
        replace all "&&a" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&b" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&c" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&d" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&e" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&f" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&r" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&0" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&1" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&2" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&3" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&4" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&5" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&6" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&7" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&8" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&9" in {_name} with ""

            set {_l} to length of {_name}
            set {_l} to {_l} parsed as integer
        send "&bArgument: &a%{_arg}% => %length of {_arg}%"
        send "&bVar: &a%{_name}% => %{_l}%"
        send "&bHashed Argument: &a%hashed {_arg}%"
        send "&bHashed Var: &a%hashed {_name}%"

Method 3: #Manual (Single "&")
command /acac [<text>]:
        if arg is not set:
            set {_arg} to "null"
            set {_name} to "null"
        if arg is set:
            set {_arg} to "%arg%"
            set {_name} to "%arg%"
        replace all "&a" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&b" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&c" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&d" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&e" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&f" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&r" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&0" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&1" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&2" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&3" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&4" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&5" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&6" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&7" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&8" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&9" in {_name} with ""
        set {_l} to length of {_name}
        set {_l} to {_l} parsed as integer
        send "&bArgument: &a%{_arg}% => %length of {_arg}%"
        send "&bVar: &a%{_name}% => %{_l}%"
        send "&bHashed Argument: &a%hashed {_arg}%"
        send "&bHashed Var: &a%hashed {_name}%"

All the method above isn't working.
I still have one more method, but I don't know the syntax.
Like this: set {_var} to first character after "&"
Can somebody help me?
Wait, i'm testing a method
Okay thx, it already fixed by myself.
The method is like this, by replacing all the loop-value to uncolored loop-value, I used double "&&" and double character.
command /acac [<text>]:
        if arg is not set:
            set {_arg} to "null"
            set {_name} to "null"
        if arg is set:
            set {_arg} to "%arg%"
            set {_name} to "%arg%"
        add "&&aa" to {_color::*}
        add "&&bb" to {_color::*}
        add "&&cc" to {_color::*}
        add "&&dd" to {_color::*}
        add "&&ee" to {_color::*}
        add "&&ff" to {_color::*}
        add "&&rr" to {_color::*}
        add "&&00" to {_color::*}
        add "&&11" to {_color::*}
        add "&&22" to {_color::*}
        add "&&33" to {_color::*}
        add "&&44" to {_color::*}
        add "&&55" to {_color::*}
        add "&&66" to {_color::*}
        add "&&77" to {_color::*}
        add "&&88" to {_color::*}
        add "&&99" to {_color::*}
        loop {_color::*}:
            set {_color} to "%uncolored loop-value%"
            #send "%{_color}%"
            replace all "%uncolored loop-value%" in {_name} with ""
        set {_l} to length of {_name}
        set {_l} to {_l} parsed as integer
        send "&bArgument: &a%{_arg}% => %length of {_arg}%"
        send "&bVar: &a%{_name}% => %{_l}%"
        send "&bHashed Argument: &a%hashed {_arg}%"
        send "&bHashed Var: &a%hashed {_name}%"
Wait, i'm testing a method

Bro, I forget where's the place to close threads?
Okay thx, it already fixed by myself.
The method is like this, by replacing all the loop-value to uncolored loop-value, I used double "&&" and double character.
command /acac [<text>]:
        if arg is not set:
            set {_arg} to "null"
            set {_name} to "null"
        if arg is set:
            set {_arg} to "%arg%"
            set {_name} to "%arg%"
        add "&&aa" to {_color::*}
        add "&&bb" to {_color::*}
        add "&&cc" to {_color::*}
        add "&&dd" to {_color::*}
        add "&&ee" to {_color::*}
        add "&&ff" to {_color::*}
        add "&&rr" to {_color::*}
        add "&&00" to {_color::*}
        add "&&11" to {_color::*}
        add "&&22" to {_color::*}
        add "&&33" to {_color::*}
        add "&&44" to {_color::*}
        add "&&55" to {_color::*}
        add "&&66" to {_color::*}
        add "&&77" to {_color::*}
        add "&&88" to {_color::*}
        add "&&99" to {_color::*}
        loop {_color::*}:
            set {_color} to "%uncolored loop-value%"
            #send "%{_color}%"
            replace all "%uncolored loop-value%" in {_name} with ""
        set {_l} to length of {_name}
        set {_l} to {_l} parsed as integer
        send "&bArgument: &a%{_arg}% => %length of {_arg}%"
        send "&bVar: &a%{_name}% => %{_l}%"
        send "&bHashed Argument: &a%hashed {_arg}%"
        send "&bHashed Var: &a%hashed {_name}%"

Bro, I forget where's the place to close threads?
You can't close threads but to mark it as solved click edit thread and Click "(No Prefix)" you'll see Solved click it and click Save Thread
Can someone help me with color format isn't replaced

Method 1: #looping
command /acac [<text>]:
        if arg is not set:
            set {_arg} to "null"
            set {_name} to "null"
        if arg is set:
            set {_arg} to "%arg%"
            set {_name} to "%arg%"
        add "&a" to {_color::*}
        add "&b" to {_color::*}
        add "&c" to {_color::*}
        add "&d" to {_color::*}
        add "&e" to {_color::*}
        add "&f" to {_color::*}
        add "&r" to {_color::*}
        add "&0" to {_color::*}
        add "&1" to {_color::*}
        add "&2" to {_color::*}
        add "&3" to {_color::*}
        add "&4" to {_color::*}
        add "&5" to {_color::*}
        add "&6" to {_color::*}
        add "&7" to {_color::*}
        add "&8" to {_color::*}
        add "&9" to {_color::*}
        loop {_color::*}:
            replace all "%loop-value%" in {_name} with ""
        set {_l} to length of {_name}
        set {_l} to {_l} parsed as integer
        send "&bArgument: &a%{_arg}% => %length of {_arg}%"
        send "&bVar: &a%{_name}% => %{_l}%"
        send "&bHashed Argument: &a%hashed {_arg}%"
        send "&bHashed Var: &a%hashed {_name}%"

Method 2: #Manual set (double "&&")
command /acac [<text>]:
        if arg is not set:
            set {_arg} to "null"
            set {_name} to "null"
        if arg is set:
            set {_arg} to "%arg%"
            set {_name} to "%arg%"
        replace all "&&a" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&b" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&c" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&d" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&e" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&f" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&r" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&0" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&1" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&2" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&3" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&4" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&5" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&6" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&7" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&8" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&&9" in {_name} with ""

            set {_l} to length of {_name}
            set {_l} to {_l} parsed as integer
        send "&bArgument: &a%{_arg}% => %length of {_arg}%"
        send "&bVar: &a%{_name}% => %{_l}%"
        send "&bHashed Argument: &a%hashed {_arg}%"
        send "&bHashed Var: &a%hashed {_name}%"

Method 3: #Manual (Single "&")
command /acac [<text>]:
        if arg is not set:
            set {_arg} to "null"
            set {_name} to "null"
        if arg is set:
            set {_arg} to "%arg%"
            set {_name} to "%arg%"
        replace all "&a" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&b" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&c" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&d" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&e" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&f" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&r" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&0" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&1" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&2" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&3" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&4" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&5" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&6" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&7" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&8" in {_name} with ""
        replace all "&9" in {_name} with ""
        set {_l} to length of {_name}
        set {_l} to {_l} parsed as integer
        send "&bArgument: &a%{_arg}% => %length of {_arg}%"
        send "&bVar: &a%{_name}% => %{_l}%"
        send "&bHashed Argument: &a%hashed {_arg}%"
        send "&bHashed Var: &a%hashed {_name}%"

All the method above isn't working.
I still have one more method, but I don't know the syntax.
Like this: set {_var} to first character after "&"
Can somebody help me?

add "&a", "&b", "&c", "&d", "&f", "&r", "&0", "&1", "&2", "&r", "&4", "&5", "&6", "&7", "&8" and "&9" to {_color::*}

replace every "" with "" in {_name}
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