I have this script that will get ban history of player and will place it in a GUI. When i use this script,
it will place 50 items instead of 8 and this will be the Lore of the items:
I dont know how to fix it because im not good with loops and stuff so it
would be nice if someone could fix it / tell me how to fix it. Thank you
It is a little bit confusing if you don't know SQL stuff but it basically grabs the info from a simple table.
I don't get the loop bit so if you're good at skript you might be able to help?
it will place 50 items instead of 8 and this will be the Lore of the items:
I dont know how to fix it because im not good with loops and stuff so it
would be nice if someone could fix it / tell me how to fix it. Thank you
set {_result1::*} to objects in column "ban" from result of query "SELECT `ban` FROM `server_ban`.`history` WHERE uuid = '%{_punished}'s uuid%'" and close
set {_result2::*} to objects in column "by" from result of query "SELECT `by` FROM `server_ban`.`history` WHERE uuid = '%{_punished}'s uuid%'" and close
loop {_result1::*}:
loop {_result2::*}:
set {_amount1} to loop-value-1
if "%{_amount1}%" contains "Chat Offense":
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot {_slot} of {_executer}'s current inventory to book and quill named "%{_colorTitle2}%Chat Offense" with lore ""
if "%{_amount1}%" contains "Hacking":
add 1 to {_slot}
set slot {_slot} of {_executer}'s current inventory to iron sword named "%{_colorTitle2}%Client Mod" with lore "%{_result2::*}%"
if {_slot} = 54:
It is a little bit confusing if you don't know SQL stuff but it basically grabs the info from a simple table.
I don't get the loop bit so if you're good at skript you might be able to help?