
Addon MundoSK 1.8.5

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Good evening,
I've just passed my server to multi version and I'm creating a nbt tag converter for items to fix a display problem for versions > 1.8, unfortunately
"on packet event play_client_client_command:" does not work for versions >1.8
Good evening,
I've just passed my server to multi version and I'm creating a nbt tag converter for items to fix a display problem for versions > 1.8, unfortunately
"on packet event play_client_client_command:" does not work for versions >1.8
MundoSK version, ProtocolLib version?
When you say it doesn’t work, do you mean it gives an error on reload, it gives a console error, or it’s never called?
My protocolib version is 4.3.0, no error and works when a client 1.8 opens its inventory it is simply not called when a client >1.8 opens its inventory

on packet event play_client_client_command:
    send "test"
    if mc version of player > 47:
        loop all items in player's inventory:
            if loop-item is iron boots, diamond boots, golden boots, chain boots or leather boots:
                add "{slot:feet}" to nbt of loop-item
            else if loop-item is iron chestplate, diamond chestplate, golden chestplate, chain chestplate or leather chestplate:
                add "{slot:chest}" to nbt of loop-item
            else if loop-item is iron leggings, diamond leggings, golden leggings, chain leggings or leather leggings:
                add "{slot:legs}" to nbt of loop-item
            else if loop-item is iron helmet, diamond helmet, golden helmet, chain helmet or leather helmet:
                add "{slot:head}" to nbt of loop-item
                add "{slot:mainhand}" to nbt of loop-item
My protocolib version is 4.3.0, no error and works when a client 1.8 opens its inventory it is simply not called when a client >1.8 opens its inventory

on packet event play_client_client_command:
    send "test"
    if mc version of player > 47:
        loop all items in player's inventory:
            if loop-item is iron boots, diamond boots, golden boots, chain boots or leather boots:
                add "{slot:feet}" to nbt of loop-item
            else if loop-item is iron chestplate, diamond chestplate, golden chestplate, chain chestplate or leather chestplate:
                add "{slot:chest}" to nbt of loop-item
            else if loop-item is iron leggings, diamond leggings, golden leggings, chain leggings or leather leggings:
                add "{slot:legs}" to nbt of loop-item
            else if loop-item is iron helmet, diamond helmet, golden helmet, chain helmet or leather helmet:
                add "{slot:head}" to nbt of loop-item
                add "{slot:mainhand}" to nbt of loop-item
Are other packets working properly with all versions?
I've tested a few other packages and yes, I'm going to test some others
I get an error in the console

Edit: Use_Item does not work
[ProtocolLib] [PacketFilterManager] [MundoSK] Unsupported client packet in current Minecraft version: USE_ITEM[PLAY, CLIENT, 31, classNames: [PacketPlayInUseItem] (unregistered)]
I've tested a few other packages and yes, I'm going to test some others
I get an error in the console

Edit: Use_Item does not work
[ProtocolLib] [PacketFilterManager] [MundoSK] Unsupported client packet in current Minecraft version: USE_ITEM[PLAY, CLIENT, 31, classNames: [PacketPlayInUseItem] (unregistered)]
So to clarify, some packets do work for all versions? Can you give examples of packets that do work in all versions? Are there other packets that give console errors besides use_item?
Good morning. Hello,
Here is a list of the packages I tested that work on all versions
  • play_client_tab_complete
  • play_client_chat
  • play_client_window_click
  • play_client_close_window
  • play_client_look
  • play_client_block_dig
  • play_client_entity_action
  • play_client_block_place
With error:
  • play_client_use_item
Does not work, error-free:
  • play_client_client_command
  • play_client_flying
I've only tested these packages, I'll give you a complete list
[doublepost=1515675441,1515493406][/doublepost]I noticed that mundosk prevent skinsrestorer from working ^^
Good morning. Hello,
Here is a list of the packages I tested that work on all versions
  • play_client_tab_complete
  • play_client_chat
  • play_client_window_click
  • play_client_close_window
  • play_client_look
  • play_client_block_dig
  • play_client_entity_action
  • play_client_block_place
With error:
  • play_client_use_item
Does not work, error-free:
  • play_client_client_command
  • play_client_flying
I've only tested these packages, I'll give you a complete list
[doublepost=1515675441,1515493406][/doublepost]I noticed that mundosk prevent skinsrestorer from working ^^
In MundoSK’s config, there is an option called `enable_custom_skin_and_tablist`. If you set this to false, SkinRestorer should work (you need to restart your server for the config option to work). MundoSK also has its own skin syntaxes if you want to try them.
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How do you make a package to smooth the player's 'pitch' and 'yaw'?
Can you provide an example?
Super son works :emoji_wink:
Have you found the problem for "PLAY_CLIENT_CLIENT_CLIENT_COMMAND"?
After some testing, here’s what I’ve found: In my 1.12 test server, play_client_client_command is not triggered by inventory opening, but is triggered on respawn. To me it seems that clients > 1.8 simply no longer send the packet on inventory open. I wasn’t able to trigger play_client_fly at all in 1.12, but I would assume it is a similar situation. From the warning for play_client_use_item, it seems that it’s a packet that isn’t present in 1.8, so that’s why the warning appears.
After some testing, here’s what I’ve found: In my 1.12 test server, play_client_client_command is not triggered by inventory opening, but is triggered on respawn. To me it seems that clients > 1.8 simply no longer send the packet on inventory open. I wasn’t able to trigger play_client_fly at all in 1.12, but I would assume it is a similar situation. From the warning for play_client_use_item, it seems that it’s a packet that isn’t present in 1.8, so that’s why the warning appears.
The play_client_client_command used to trigger when a player opens their inventory to detect if they have the inventory open achievement, but as of 1.12, achievements have been replaced by advancements, therefore this ClientCommand action has been removed in favor of the new system.

The play_client_flying packet should be working as intended, dunno what's happening there.

The play_client_use_item was added in 15w31a (1.9) so that's right.
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That's what I understand, it's 1.12 that breaks everything... there's no way to detect when a player opens an player inventory x)
Thanks for your help and bravo for the update, I wanted to ask you it is possible to communicate from php to the server with websockets?
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That's what I understand, it's 1.12 that breaks everything... there's no way to detect when a player opens an player inventory x)
Thanks for your help and bravo for the update, I wanted to ask you it is possible to communicate from php to the server with websockets?
Yes, you can use websockets to communicate with PHP from the server. You’ll need to use a library on the PHP side since PHP doesn’t have websockets built-in, but that isn’t too hard to do.
All right great, it's true that for the moment I'm just wondering but I created a web page that allows custom skins uploads on and then use Mundosk to offer my crack players skins on the server, are the websocket protected by a password?
[doublepost=1515908847,1515908423][/doublepost]I found an answer to my question in doc ^^ thanks :emoji_slight_smile:
Tlatoani updated MundoSK with a new update entry:

MundoSK 1.8.2 - Packet Info Aliases

Another update, this time with a couple of fixes and a couple of features.


Create Simple Tab
Latency of Array Tab
Latency of Simple Tab
Setting the latency of a tab using MundoSK's custom tablist features now works! Remember that this should be a value between 0 and 5.

JSON Field of Packet
You can now set this to a list of jsonobjects when using array pjson, as intended.


Array Tablist is Enabled
[the] array...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Tlatoani updated MundoSK with a new update entry:

MundoSK 1.8.3 - Tablist Latency

This is a small update for MundoSK, just a couple of changes regarding tablist syntaxes.

Display Name of Player Tab
Changing this expression now maintains any team prefixes/suffixes that are present.

%player%'s [mundo[sk]] tab[list] name
[mundo[sk]] tab[list] name of %player%

This syntax has now been removed, because as of MundoSK 1.8 you can use a list of players, such as all players, in the Display Name of Player Tab expression, negating the need for a...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Tlatoani updated MundoSK with a new update entry:

MundoSK 1.8.4 - Per-Player Nametags

The main focus of this update is a major reorganization of the code involved with skin and nametag changing in order to make it more maintainable and stable, as well as to make it easier to implement changes and new features.

Before we get into that, there's one small change I want to mention:
Chat Tab Complete
This is just the addition to the documentation of this event's player event-value, which was previously undocumented.

Tab Complete
This event now has a `sender`...

Read the rest of this update entry...
hide loop-player in the tablist of player
is not working?
or it is changed?