
Addon MundoSK 1.8.5

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hide loop-player in the tablist of player
is not working?
or it is changed?
Can you send the full code, MundoSK version, and Bukkit/Spigot version? Also, do you get any errors on reload, or errors in console when running the code?
[03:47:49 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: hide loop-player in the tablist of player (, line 4: hide loop-player in the tablist of player')

- dev27
- spigot 1.8.8
- mundosk last version

command /teste:
        loop all players:
            hide loop-player in the tablist of player
[03:47:49 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: hide loop-player in the tablist of player (, line 4: hide loop-player in the tablist of player')

- dev27
- spigot 1.8.8
- mundosk last version

command /teste:
        loop all players:
            hide loop-player in the tablist of player
That seems like it should load properly, what version of ProtocolLib are you using?

I was using your example on the first page to change a player's skin to one given by texture and value, but I can't seem to get it to work.
Using this skin for reference (

command /textureswap:
        set player's displayed skin to skin with texture "" value "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1MTY5NTE4NzQ0NTYsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImQxY2VjOWFkMWRhODQxNzliMWU1NjA0ZjcyYmZiMjI2IiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJydXRnZXI0NjUiLCJzaWduYXR1cmVSZXF1aXJlZCI6dHJ1ZSwidGV4dHVyZXMiOnsiU0tJTiI6eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlL2FkNzE4ZjNhOTFkMjdkZWNhNGJiMTA0NTZmYjY5N2RlMmM3ZWViMTY3NGZhOTI3MWZiOWRmYTc2YWMwNTI0MCJ9fX0="

Thank you for reading.

I was using your example on the first page to change a player's skin to one given by texture and value, but I can't seem to get it to work.
Using this skin for reference (

command /textureswap:

Thank you for reading.
1. I recommend you putting the signature and value in different lines, if you have a very long line Skript will throw an StackOverFlowError (and if it does,.
2. I don't know where you got that syntax but the real one is:
skin [texture] with value %string% signature %string%
so, you may use it as:
set {_signature} to "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"
set {_skin} to skin with value {_value} signature {_signature}
By the way, what I do is save my skins in a JSON file such as:
        "signature": "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"
        "value": "eyJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1MTY5Nzg2MDk4OTUsInByb2ZpbGVJZCI6ImMxZWQ5N2Q0ZDE2NzQyYzI5OGI1ODFiZmRiODhhMjFmIiwicHJvZmlsZU5hbWUiOiJ5b2xvX21hdGlzIiwic2lnbmF0dXJlUmVxdWlyZWQiOnRydWUsInRleHR1cmVzIjp7IlNLSU4iOnsidXJsIjoiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS9jNzBjZjMxYWM3YzgzNGFlMWYxZDA3NGIyODkzODViMmYyYmViZmNkNzZjZDI0MTg5MTUxNTg2ZGQ2M2RhNmMifX19",
        "signature": "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"
And then read it the following way:
on script load:

  set {_skins} to join (file contents of "plugins/MundoSK/skins.json") by system property line separator # You can put it wherever you want
  map json {_skins} to {_skins::*} # this requires skript-json, can be done with MundoSK though

  loop tree of {_skins::*}:

    set {_indexes::*} to split branch by "::"
    if {_indexes::2} is "value":
      set {_current-value} to loop-value
      set {_current-signature} to loop-value

    if {_current-value} and {_current-signature} is set:
      set {skin::%{_indexes::1}%} to skin with value {_current-value} signature {_current-signature}
      clear {_current-value} and {_current-signature}

on script unload:

  clear {skin::*}
And finally, use them wherever you want, example:
command /skin <name="Fujinomiya">:
    set displayed skin of sender to {skin::%arg-1%}
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Thank you so much! That was very informative

edit: Is it possible to disguise mobs as players and then change their skin?
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Tlatoani updated MundoSK with a new update entry:

MundoSK 1.8.5 - Player Skull Improvements

This update mostly focuses on improving the syntaxes related to player skulls.

Before that there is one other bug fix to note: writing if <expr>: for some boolean expression will no longer result in an error when the expression is null and you don't have skQuery.


Skull from Skin
This expression has been fixed - previously, it would only return a skeleton skull. Additionally, you can now specify an owner for the skull - this only affects the name that is shown, not the actual...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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updating from mundosk 1.7.5-BETA.10.13 to latest version broke NametagEdit nametags, so I had to downgrade, would like this to be fixed (and mundosk tablist also didn't work.. kept resetting after few seconds)
updating from mundosk 1.7.5-BETA.10.13 to latest version broke NametagEdit nametags, so I had to downgrade, would like this to be fixed (and mundosk tablist also didn't work.. kept resetting after few seconds)
Can you send your Bukkit/Spigot version and ProtocolLib version, as wella as the code that you used for MundoSK tablist?
Can you send your Bukkit/Spigot version and ProtocolLib version, as wella as the code that you used for MundoSK tablist?
ProtocolLib 4.3.1-SNAPSHOT-b3
latest 1.11.2 PaperSpigot

now when I'm using old version of MundoSK the tablist works nice (using 1.7.5-BETA.10.13)
set tablist name of player to "test"
sorry I forgot to include
That syntax was removed in a recent version of MundoSK, so if it was parsing it was probably from Skript or some other addon. MundoSK has the following syntax instead:
tablist name of %player% for %players%
You can write this like this:
tablist name of %player% for all players
One note with this is that this will only affect players currently online, so when a new player joins, you will have to set it for them too, so it may be a good idea to store these settings in a variable and set the tabist according to the variable in ‘on join’.

Right now I don’t know what is causing the problem with NameTagEdit, to immediately fix it you can go to MundoSK’s config and set the `enable_custom_skin_and_tablist` option to false. This will MundoSK’s skin and nametag syntaxes, but it will also disable its tablist syntaxes, so if you need those, that may not be a good option. I’m not sure if I’ll have time to work on this bug before the weekend, I may have time tomorrow but I’m not sure.
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how i can change player's name in tablist?
tablist name of %player% for %players%
This is the expression that you need to set (note that you need ProtocolLib for tablist modifications). You can find other MundoSK tablist syntaxes by doing ‘/mundosk doc tablist’ or by searching ‘tab’ in the docs online.
and that should change the name of player?

set tablist name of player to "&2%player%" for all players

not work
and that should change the name of player?

set tablist name of player to "&2%player%" for all players

not work
How doesn’t it work? Does it show an error when parsing, or an error in console when running? What version of MundoSK are you using (don’t say latest)?
 Can't understand this condition/effect: set tablist name of %player% to "&2%player%" for all players (, line 89: set tablist name of %player% to "&2%player%" for all players')

- ver 1.8.5