Solved Mining skript not working

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Jun 28, 2023
Hi, I have a skript that when certain pickaxes mine blocks, it puts the blocks in the players inventories. It works for all the pickaxes execpt for the coal pick, iron pick, and the diamond pick. Also, how do I make it so no other blocks will drop, only if it gets mined by the correct picaxe.

# Normal pickaxes
on break:
    if event-player is holding a wooden pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "wood pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
                clear drops
    else if event-player is holding a stone pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "stone pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
                clear drops
    else if event-player is holding a stone pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "&8&lcoal pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
            if event-block is iron ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw iron to player
                clear drops
    else if event-player is holding a iron pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "iron pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
            if event-block is iron ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw iron to player
            if event-block is gold ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw gold to player
                clear drops
    else if event-player is holding a gold pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "&6&lgold pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
            if event-block is iron ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw iron to player
            if event-block is gold ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw gold to player
            if event-block is lapis ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of lapis lazuli to player
                clear drops
    else if event-player is holding a diamond pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "lapis pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
            if event-block is iron ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw iron to player
            if event-block is gold ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw gold to player
            if event-block is lapis ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of lapis lazuli to player
            if event-block is diamond ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of diamond to player
                clear drops
    else if event-player is holding a diamond pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "diamond pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
            if event-block is iron ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw iron to player
            if event-block is gold ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw gold to player
            if event-block is lapis ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of lapis lazuli to player
            if event-block is diamond ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of diamond to player
            if event-block is ancient debris:
                clear drops
                give 1 of ancient debris to player
                clear drops
    else if event-player is holding a netherite pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "neth pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
            if event-block is iron ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw iron to player
            if event-block is gold ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw gold to player
            if event-block is lapis ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of lapis lazuli to player
            if event-block is diamond ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of diamond to player
            if event-block is ancient debris:
                clear drops
                give 1 of ancient debris to player
                clear drops
I figured it out, the problem was
    else if event-player is holding a stone pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "stone pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
                clear drops
    else if event-player is holding a stone pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "&8&lcoal pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
            if event-block is iron ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw iron to player
                clear drops
I needed to do
 else if the name of the player's tool is "&8&lcoal pick":
and take away the
else if event-player is holding a stone pickaxe:
the second time it comes up.
I figured it out, the problem was
    else if event-player is holding a stone pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "stone pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
                clear drops
    else if event-player is holding a stone pickaxe:
        if the name of the player's tool is "&8&lcoal pick":
            if event-block is stone:
                clear drops
                give 1 of cobblestone to player
            if event-block is coal ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of coal to player
            if event-block is iron ore:
                clear drops
                give 1 of raw iron to player
                clear drops
I needed to do
 else if the name of the player's tool is "&8&lcoal pick":
and take away the
else if event-player is holding a stone pickaxe:
the second time it comes up.
Good work!