increase or decrease damage by percentages

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Mar 29, 2020
Hello, I am having a problem! I want a player to have a specific item to damage 50% more based on the final damage caused. Therefore a weapon that damages 100 should damage 150, but only damages 10 more hearts (110). Weapon damage is controlled by the Heroes plugin, but I don't think it affects anything. Here I leave the code that I am using:

on damage:
    loop all items in the inventory of attacker:   
        if name of attacker's tool contains "&1 [Sharp]":       
            increase damage by 50%
Hello, I am having a problem! I want a player to have a specific item to damage 50% more based on the final damage caused. Therefore a weapon that damages 100 should damage 150, but only damages 10 more hearts (110). Weapon damage is controlled by the Heroes plugin, but I don't think it affects anything. Here I leave the code that I am using:

on damage:
    loop all items in the inventory of attacker:  
        if name of attacker's tool contains "&1 [Sharp]":      
            increase damage by 50%
i feel like i already answered this question. did u make a new post?

u already got the answer from me, why r u double posting ? :emoji_confused:
here, you can see you made 1 post with 2 replies, that specific post is marked as solved, then you posted this thread asking the same thing.

Just go to that thread and take the answer -_-
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