no I'm grounded u can join thocould u join?
wait... I'm not signed in D:
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no I'm grounded u can join thocould u join?
no I'm grounded u can join tho
wait... I'm not signed in D:
LOL nvm I do have access to the console because I'm using a different gmail with a different password I'm so dumboh... can u op me through the console or somethin?
Oh wait... omg whateverLOL nvm I do have access to the console because I'm using a different gmail with a different password I'm so dumb
my ign is BigBrainFrog if u can op me xDoh... can u op me through the console or somethin?
Farbox.minehut.ggoh... can u op me through the console or somethin?
#Made by BigBrainFrog / Frog
{warns} = 0
# Warn Command
command /warn <offline player> <text>:
permission message: &4&lYou do not have permission to use this command!
if arg-1 is set:
if arg-2 is set:
add 1 to {warns.%arg-1's uuid%}
broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------"
broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] &6%player% &cwarned &6%arg-1%"
broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] They now have %{warns.%arg-1's uuid%}% warn(s)."
broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] Reason: &6%arg-2%"
broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------"
# Checks if warn count is divisible by 5 and if it is, it bans the player
{warns.%arg-1's uuid%} is divisible by 5:
{warns.%arg-1's uuid%} is not 0:
console command "tempban %arg-1% 3h &4&lHaving too many warnings!"
# Unwarn Command
command /unwarn <offline player>:
permission message: &4&lYou do not have permission to use this command!
if arg-1 is set:
if {warns.%arg-1's uuid%} is 0:
send "&a----------------------------------------------" to player
send "&c[&6Warning System&c] You can't have negative warns!" to player
send "&a----------------------------------------------" to player
if {warns.%arg-1's uuid%} is not 0:
remove 1 from {warns.%arg-1's uuid%}
broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------"
broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] &6%player% &cunwarned &6%arg-1%"
broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] They now have %{warns.%arg-1's uuid%}% warn(s)."
broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------"
# Check Warns Command
command /checkwarns <offline player>:
permission message: &4&lYou do not have permission to use this command!
broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------"
broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] &6%arg-1% &chas %{warns.%arg-1's uuid%}% &cwarn(s)."
broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------"
# Clear Warns Command
command /clearwarns <offline player>:
permission message: &4&lYou do not have permission to use this command!
set {warns.%arg-1's uuid%} to 0
broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------"
broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] &6%player% &chas cleared &6%arg-1%&6's &cwarnings."
broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------"
Thank youCode:#Made by BigBrainFrog / Frog variables: {warns} = 0 # Warn Command command /warn <offline player> <text>: permission: permission message: &4&lYou do not have permission to use this command! trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-2 is set: add 1 to {warns.%arg-1's uuid%} broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------" broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] &6%player% &cwarned &6%arg-1%" broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] They now have %{warns.%arg-1's uuid%}% warn(s)." broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] Reason: &6%arg-2%" broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------" # Checks if warn count is divisible by 5 and if it is, it bans the player {warns.%arg-1's uuid%} is divisible by 5: {warns.%arg-1's uuid%} is not 0: console command "tempban %arg-1% 3h &4&lHaving too many warnings!" # Unwarn Command command /unwarn <offline player>: permission: permission message: &4&lYou do not have permission to use this command! trigger: if arg-1 is set: if {warns.%arg-1's uuid%} is 0: send "&a----------------------------------------------" to player send "&c[&6Warning System&c] You can't have negative warns!" to player send "&a----------------------------------------------" to player if {warns.%arg-1's uuid%} is not 0: remove 1 from {warns.%arg-1's uuid%} broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------" broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] &6%player% &cunwarned &6%arg-1%" broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] They now have %{warns.%arg-1's uuid%}% warn(s)." broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------" # Check Warns Command command /checkwarns <offline player>: permission: permission message: &4&lYou do not have permission to use this command! trigger: broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------" broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] &6%arg-1% &chas %{warns.%arg-1's uuid%}% &cwarn(s)." broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------" # Clear Warns Command command /clearwarns <offline player>: permission: permission message: &4&lYou do not have permission to use this command! trigger: set {warns.%arg-1's uuid%} to 0 broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------" broadcast "&c[&6Warning System&c] &6%player% &chas cleared &6%arg-1%&6's &cwarnings." broadcast "&a----------------------------------------------"
^ what you asked for <3
npThank you
I've been trying to get a /warn skript for like...
FOREVER Thank you very much ))))))))))