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Active Member
Feb 12, 2021
I need a /warn skript for my new server

Please add:

- /warn <player> <reason>

- /warn message:

send: "&aYou have successfully warned <player>"

- /warn, /unwarn, /clearwarns, checkwarns permission warn.sk

- /unwarn <player>

- /unwarn Message

send: "&aYou have successfully unwarned <player>"

- /clearwarns <player>

- /clearwarns Message

send: "&aYou have successfully cleared all of <player>'s warns"

/checkwarns <player>

- once someone gets to 5 warns they get banned for 3 hours and it DOESN'T reset there warns

- /warn bypass warn.bypass.sk

- When someone gets warned:

broadcast: "&a----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
broadcast: "&c[&6Warning System&c] &6(player who warned somone else) &cwarned &6arg-1
broadcast: "&c[&6Warning System&c] He not has (# of total warns) warn(s).
broadcast: "&c[&6Warning System&c] Reason: &6arg-2
broadcast: "&a----------------------------------------------------------------------------

If I'm missing anything just please tell me

Thank you :emoji_slight_smile:
[doublepost=1618834789,1618685931][/doublepost]<!> BumpV1 <!>
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When you get to 5 warns, would it clear or would it be continuous like 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc
When you get to 5 warns, would it clear or would it be continuous like 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc
continue <3
When you get to 5 warns, would it clear or would it be continuous like 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, etc
- /warn, /unwarn, /clearwarns, checkwarns permission warn.sk

- /unwarn <player>
Add pls :emoji_slight_smile:
[doublepost=1619625399][/doublepost]<!> BumpV2 <!>
[doublepost=1619717911][/doublepost]<!> BumpV3 <!>
would you like it to broadcast the warn to the whole server or just the player that's getting warned?

^ this is what happens when the /warn command is used.

^ and this is what happens when the /checkwarns command is used.

please tell me if you would like me to change anything! :emoji_grinning:


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