Help with placeholders

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New Member
Feb 28, 2024
I'm trying to use a placeholder of a economy plugin in my skript, but i don't really know how to use placeholders. This is the line

set slot 11 of {_MenuPj.%{_p}%} to gold nugget named "&eRyo's: &f%gemseconomy_balance_default%"

I want to show the player's balance in a menu, but this is from another plugin and I have no idea how to show that placeholder
I'm trying to use a placeholder of a economy plugin in my skript, but i don't really know how to use placeholders. This is the line

set slot 11 of {_MenuPj.%{_p}%} to gold nugget named "&eRyo's: &f%gemseconomy_balance_default%"

I want to show the player's balance in a menu, but this is from another plugin and I have no idea how to show that placeholder
Server version?
I'm trying to use a placeholder of a economy plugin in my skript, but i don't really know how to use placeholders. This is the line

set slot 11 of {_MenuPj.%{_p}%} to gold nugget named "&eRyo's: &f%gemseconomy_balance_default%"

I want to show the player's balance in a menu, but this is from another plugin and I have no idea how to show that placeholder
Try to use skript-placeholders is a Skript addon
If you need help, replay to my message
Try to use skript-placeholders is a Skript addon
If you need help, replay to my message
Actually, i'm having an issue with that addon. For some reason it isn't load correctly.

I already tried with different versions and with the release for my server version (1.16.5)
