Tiered Potion
Square function in expression
Better distance expressions
Non full blocks (Blocks that would change your altitude)
Horizontal direction from location to location
Advanced ground check (70% of movement cheats can be detected with this)
plural expression %player%'s active potion effects:
return ...expression-1.getActivePotionEffects()
condition %player% (has|1¦does(n't| not) have) %potioneffecttype% %number%:
if parse mark is 1:
loop expression-1's active potion effects:
if loop-value.getType() = expression-2:
if loop-value.getAmplifier() = expression-3:
negate the condition
loop expression-1's active potion effects:
if loop-value.getType() = expression-2:
if loop-value.getAmplifier() = expression-3:
if player has speed 3:
if player doesn't have strength 1:
Skript latest && Skript-mirror latest
Square function in expression
expression [the] square of %number%:
if expression-1 != 0:
return (expression-1 * expression-1)
return 0
expression %number% squared:
if expression-1 != 0:
return (expression-1 * expression-1)
return 0
broadcast "%square of 5%"
if 5 squared = 25:
Skript latest && Skript-mirror latest
Better distance expressions
# Distance ignoring y-coordinate
expression horizontal distance between %location% and %location%:
set {_x1} to x-coordinate of expression-1
set {_z1} to z-coordinate of expression-1
set {_x2} to x-coordinate of expression-2
set {_z2} to z-coordinate of expression-2
set {_x3} to square of ({_x2} - {_x1})
set {_z3} to square of ({_z2} - {_z1})
set {_final} to {_x3} + {_z3}
set {_final} to sqrt({_final})
return {_final}
# Distance ignoring x and z coordinates
expression vertical distance between %location% and %location%:
set {_y1} to y-coordinate of expression-1
set {_y2} to y-coordinate of expression-2
return difference between {_y1} and {_y2}
# Returns an entity's location offset by his current velocity
expression %entity%'s location minus velocity:
set {_location} to expression-1's location
set {_velocity} to expression-1's velocity
return {_location} ~ {_velocity}
# Gets the distance between two entities minus the victim's velocity. The second expression should be the victim
expression better entity distance between %entity% and %entity%:
set {_first} to location of expression-1
set {_second} to expression-2's location minus velocity
return horizontal distance between {_first} and {_second}
on damage of player:
if better entity distance between attacker and victim > 6:
if horizontal distance between {_block1} and {_block2} = 1:
Skript && Skript-Mirror && Square expression above
Non full blocks (Blocks that would change your altitude)
condition %block% (is|1¦is not) a full block:
if parse mark is 0:
negate the condition
if expression-1 = any slab:0-7 or stairs or soul sand or cobblestone walls or snow layer or pistons or cobweb or ladder or vine or any trapdoor or any fence or any fence gate or lily pad or ender portal frame or enchantment table or ender chest or chest or trapped chest or anvil or daylight sensor or daylight detector inverted or hopper or any stained glass pane or any carpet or plain glass pane or cactus or cake block or redstone repeater or redstone comparator or brewing stand:
on any movement:
if block under player is not a full block:
on left click:
if clicked block is a full block:
Latest Skript && Skript-Mirror
Horizontal direction from location to location
expression horizontal direction from %location% to %location%:
if world of expression-1 != world of expression-2:
return {_null}
set {_x1} to x-coordinate of expression-1
set {_z1} to z-coordinate of expression-1
set {_x2} to x-coordinate of expression-2
set {_z2} to z-coordinate of expression-2
# If first location is further South && second location is further North
if {_z1} > {_z2}:
# If first location is further East && second location is further West
if {_x1} > {_x2}:
return "North West"
# If first location is further West && second location is further East
if {_x1} < {_x2}:
return "North East"
# If first and second location are on the same X coordinate
return "North"
# If first location is further North && second location is further South
if {_z1} < {_z2}:
# If first location is further East && second location is further West
if {_x1} > {_x2}:
return "South West"
# If first location is further West && second location is further East
if {_x1} < {_x2}:
return "South East"
# If first and second location are on the same X coordinate
return "South"
# If first and second location are on the same Z coordinate
# If first location is further East && second location is further West
if {_x1} > {_x2}:
return "West"
# If first location is further West && second location is further East
if {_x1} < {_x2}:
return "East"
If horizontal direction from player's location and location of event-block = "North East":
# Player is north east of the event-block
Latest Skript && Skript-Mirror
Advanced ground check (70% of movement cheats can be detected with this)
player property ground state:
set {_p} to expression-1
# Check if the ground packet is being sent by the player
if {_p}.isOnGround() = true:
# Could probably make this more advanced but this is fine
if block at {_p} != air:
return true
set {_block} to block below {_p}
set {_altdifference} to vertical distance between {_p} and {_block}
# Check if the player is on a solid block
if {_altdifference} = 0.5:
if {_block} != air:
return true
# If the block under the player isn't air, check all adjacent and diagonal blocks
# Finds where the player is relative to the block under him
set {_direction} to horizontal direction from {_block} to {_p}
if {_direction} = "North East":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 north 1 east of {_block}:
if loop-block is not air:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "North":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 north of {_block}:
if loop-block is not air:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "North West":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 north 1 west of {_block}:
if loop-block is not air:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "South East":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 south 1 east of {_block}:
if loop-block is not air:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "South West":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 south 1 west of {_block}:
if loop-block is not air:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "South":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 south of {_block}:
if loop-block is not air:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "East":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 east of {_block}:
if loop-block is not air:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "West":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 west of {_block}:
if loop-block is not air:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
# Checks if the player is on a non solid block or entity; slabs, snow layers, fences, and etc.
set {_block} to block above {_block}
set {_direction} to horizontal direction from {_block} to {_p}
if {_direction} = "North East":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 north 1 east of {_block}:
if loop-block is not a full block:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "North":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 north of {_block}:
if loop-block is not a full block:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "North West":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 north 1 west of {_block}:
if loop-block is not a full block:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "South East":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 south 1 east of {_block}:
if loop-block is not a full block:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "South West":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 south 1 west of {_block}:
if loop-block is not a full block:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "South":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 south of {_block}:
if loop-block is not a full block:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "East":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 east of {_block}:
if loop-block is not a full block:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
else if {_direction} = "West":
loop blocks within location of {_block} and location of block 1 west of {_block}:
if loop-block is not a full block:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} = 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1:
return true
else if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_block} > 1:
if horizontal distance between loop-block and {_p} <= 1.5:
return true
loop all entities of type boat in radius 2 around {_p}:
if loop-entity is boat:
return true
return false
set {_block} to block below {_p}
set {_altdifference} to vertical distance between {_p} and {_block}
if {_altdifference} = 0.5:
if {_block} != air:
return true
return false
on any movement:
if player is on ground:
if player's ground state = false:
# Ground spoof
Latest Skript && Skript-Mirror && Horizontal direction above && Non full block expression above
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