Well I tell you my problem, when I try to give a spawner mob in the following way "mob spawner: 50" (it would be from creeper) it does not let me give me the following error
How can I interpret what is an existing ID?
Note: To get these spawners, I require Essentials with /i 52:50, I do not want to give /give so that it is more personalized, and without extra messages.
Please someone help me, thank you very much.
':50 named "&c&lSpawner de Creeper" with lore "&aCanjeado por:||&e%player%||&aEl Dia: &e%now%||||&eEspecie: Creeper"' is not a valid item data (Canjes.sk, line 61: add 1 mob spawner:50 named "&c&lSpawner de Creeper" with lore "&aCanjeado por:||&e%player%||&aEl Dia: &e%now%||||&eEspecie: Creeper" to the player's inventory')
Note: To get these spawners, I require Essentials with /i 52:50, I do not want to give /give so that it is more personalized, and without extra messages.
Please someone help me, thank you very much.