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Jan 27, 2017
Well I tell you my problem, when I try to give a spawner mob in the following way "mob spawner: 50" (it would be from creeper) it does not let me give me the following error
':50 named "&c&lSpawner de Creeper" with lore "&aCanjeado por:||&e%player%||&aEl Dia: &e%now%||||&eEspecie: Creeper"' is not a valid item data (Canjes.sk, line 61: add 1 mob spawner:50 named "&c&lSpawner de Creeper" with lore "&aCanjeado por:||&e%player%||&aEl Dia: &e%now%||||&eEspecie: Creeper" to the player's inventory')
How can I interpret what is an existing ID?
Note: To get these spawners, I require Essentials with /i 52:50, I do not want to give /give so that it is more personalized, and without extra messages.

Please someone help me, thank you very much.
Well I tell you my problem, when I try to give a spawner mob in the following way "mob spawner: 50" (it would be from creeper) it does not let me give me the following error
':50 named "&c&lSpawner de Creeper" with lore "&aCanjeado por:||&e%player%||&aEl Dia: &e%now%||||&eEspecie: Creeper"' is not a valid item data (Canjes.sk, line 61: add 1 mob spawner:50 named "&c&lSpawner de Creeper" with lore "&aCanjeado por:||&e%player%||&aEl Dia: &e%now%||||&eEspecie: Creeper" to the player's inventory')
How can I interpret what is an existing ID?
Note: To get these spawners, I require Essentials with /i 52:50, I do not want to give /give so that it is more personalized, and without extra messages.

Please someone help me, thank you very much.
Skript doesn't really have the ability to give spawners. Spawners data is handled with NBT, so you would need an NBT addon such as jNBT to add NBT data to the spawner in hand. But it gets much more complicated. It's not as simple as just giving them an item with an ID.
I have a resource with Spawners you can check out
From what I see it is not possible to achieve without addons, and it will be possible to execute a give with metadata, for example

execute console command "give %player% 52:50 1 0 {display:{Name:"&c&lSpawner",Lore:["&a1","&e2"]}}"

Can't understand this condition/effect: execute console command
"give %player% 52:50 1 0 {display:{Name:"&c&lSpawner",Lore:["&a1","&e2"]}}"
(Canjes.sk, line 58: execute console command "give %player% 52:50 1 0 

I do not know if there is any way to execute these commands.
From what I see it is not possible to achieve without addons, and it will be possible to execute a give with metadata, for example

execute console command "give %player% 52:50 1 0 {display:{Name:"&c&lSpawner",Lore:["&a1","&e2"]}}"

Can't understand this condition/effect: execute console command
"give %player% 52:50 1 0 {display:{Name:"&c&lSpawner",Lore:["&a1","&e2"]}}"
(Canjes.sk, line 58: execute console command "give %player% 52:50 1 0

I do not know if there is any way to execute these commands.
within quotes, ie your command, any quotes inside need to be double quoted, this way your execute doesn't think your command is being broken up
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