Edit: I found a way
Hi, i am creating a custom tempban skript with timespan and then there was a kick there don't wanted to work:
set {_tempban} to {tempban.%{tempban.%player%.setplayer}%} parsed as a player #This line
clear {TempBan.%player%.setreasons}
clear {tempban.%player%.setplayer}
clear {tempban.%player%.settimespan}
wait 1 tick
#if {_tempban} is online: #And this line
kick {_tempban} due to "&cYou got banned! Reason:&4 %{tempban.%{tempban.%player%.setplayer}%.reason}%&c Time:&4 %{tempban.%{tempban.%player%.setplayer}%.timespan}%" #And this line
Can someone help me pls? Btw. how to i create that cool thing to my code?
Hi, i am creating a custom tempban skript with timespan and then there was a kick there don't wanted to work:
set {_tempban} to {tempban.%{tempban.%player%.setplayer}%} parsed as a player #This line
clear {TempBan.%player%.setreasons}
clear {tempban.%player%.setplayer}
clear {tempban.%player%.settimespan}
wait 1 tick
#if {_tempban} is online: #And this line
kick {_tempban} due to "&cYou got banned! Reason:&4 %{tempban.%{tempban.%player%.setplayer}%.reason}%&c Time:&4 %{tempban.%{tempban.%player%.setplayer}%.timespan}%" #And this line
Can someone help me pls? Btw. how to i create that cool thing to my code?
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