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  1. TimeStellar

    Skript Help?

    I have a weapon level system but i dont understand why it doesnt work like when i right click (i set it so for testing) it gives xp but the max xp breaks and goes to none can anyone help? on right click with a sword: if name of player's tool is "&aLeveled Sword": set...
  2. Yushaa

    Can someone add an actionbar cooldown to this [instead of a normal cooldown]

    on sneak toggle: name of player's tool is "&dʙᴏɴᴇ ʙʟᴀᴅᴇ": player has player's tool on cooldown: stop else: set item cooldown of player's tool for player to 180 seconds make player execute command "manatest" send actionbar "&b-150 Mana"...
  3. Yushaa

    Solved Levels SMP Weapons [Season 2]

    Level SMPS Weapons/, Can someone remake the levels smp weapons? Description of all the weapons if you dont know what they are Experience Banisher: A netherstar and when held in someone's inventory and that person kills another player it bans that player permanently Level Stealer: a...
  4. Yushaa

    Sculk Gem

    An echoshard named &9sᴄᴜʟᴋ ɢᴇᴍ when right clicked shoots a sonic boom that does 7 hearts of damage and has a 250 second cooldown and is obtainable by a command
  5. H

    Weapon with Increase of Sharpness Per Kill

    I dont even know where to start on this so far all i have is just on death: victim is a player: attacker is a player: attacker's tool:"&6Battle Blade":
  6. R

    Remove "Too Expensive" From combining with an anvil

    Hey I am just wondering if there is someway to code a custom anvil or change the original anvil to make it so that when combining items it shows up with a higher xp requirement rather than saying "too expensive" and allowing items to be combined. Thanks, any help is appreciated at this point.
  7. M

    Need help with making a weapon

    on right click: if player's tool is Allium: if colored name of player's tool is "&6Spirit Sceptre": wait 2 tick spawn bat 2 meters above and 2 meter horizontally in front of the player command /scepter: trigger: give player allium named "&6Spirit Sceptre" I need...
  8. D

    Solved How to make Weapons

    Hey, how to make weapons that shoot snowballs not only forward but also to the left or right, so I can make a shotgun for example? Thanks already for any answer!
  9. P

    evoker wand

    hey im working on a wand that spawns 20 evoker fangs on blocks. i want them to be in a straight line and to make the line face the player i use: skquery skrayfall
  10. FistoF

    Pulse Cannon

    Category: Weapons Suggested name: Pulse Cannon Spigot/Skript Version: Whichever is the newest at the time of making the script. What I want: A Pulse Cannon inspired by Star Wars. It is a ranged weapon that fires green Guardian's laser beams. The weapon takes several seconds to charge...
  11. FistoF

    WWII-style gun turret

    Category: Technology Suggested name: Gun Turret What I want: I'm working on a Minecraft server based on the Second World War, so I need a script that makes my structure functional. On use: