Solved How to make Weapons

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Oct 1, 2020
how to make weapons that shoot snowballs not only forward but also to the left or right, so I can make a shotgun for example?

Thanks already for any answer!
how to make weapons that shoot snowballs not only forward but also to the left or right, so I can make a shotgun for example?

Thanks already for any answer!
This is a basic code, but it does what you want.

on right click with diamond hoe:
    if name of player's held item is "&6Shotgun":
        set {shotgun.bullets.%player%} to 4
        shoot snowball from the player at speed 2
        push last shot snowball upwards with speed 0.06
        shoot snowball from the player at speed 2
        push last shot snowball downwards with speed 0.09
        shoot snowball from the player at speed 2
        push last shot snowball left with speed 0.06
        shoot snowball from the player at speed 2
        push last shot snowball right with speed 0.06
on damage:
    if event-projectile is snowball:
        {shotgun.bullets.%shooter%} is 4:
            damage victim by 4
This is a basic code, but it does what you want.

on right click with diamond hoe:
    if name of player's held item is "&6Shotgun":
        set {shotgun.bullets.%player%} to 4
        shoot snowball from the player at speed 2
        push last shot snowball upwards with speed 0.06
        shoot snowball from the player at speed 2
        push last shot snowball downwards with speed 0.09
        shoot snowball from the player at speed 2
        push last shot snowball left with speed 0.06
        shoot snowball from the player at speed 2
        push last shot snowball right with speed 0.06
on damage:
    if event-projectile is snowball:
        {shotgun.bullets.%shooter%} is 4:
            damage victim by 4
Thank you! It worked!
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