Solved Levels SMP Weapons [Season 2]

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Active Member
Oct 19, 2023
Level SMPS Weapons/,
Can someone remake the levels smp weapons?

Description of all the weapons if you dont know what they are

Experience Banisher:
A netherstar and when held in someone's inventory and that person kills another player it bans that player permanently

Level Stealer:
a Diamond/Netherite sword and upon hitting another player it steals 1-5 levels from them. This ability should have a 120 second cooldown.

Levels Crown:
a Golden helmet that when worn it makes the players eaten golden apples give them regeneration 3 for 3 seconds [30 second cooldown]

also a deeper explanation for the levels crown if you dont get it, when a player is wearing the crown and they eat a golden apple it gives them regeneration 3 for 3 seconds with a 30 second cooldown

If you do this your a goat, thanks :emoji_slight_smile:

lunetivfx on discord if u needa dm me for smth!

Watch Flamefrag's most recent video for more info!
requires skbee, I haven't tested so tell me if you want anything changed or if something doesn't work

command /givelevelsitems <player> <string>:
    permission: *
        arg-1 is set
        arg-2 is set
        if arg-2 is "xpbanisher":
            set {_i} to unbreakable nether star named "&4Experience Banisher"
            set {_n} to nbt compound of {_i}
            set string tag "lvlType" of {_n} to "xpbanisher"
            give arg-1 {_i}
        else if arg-2 is "lvlstealer":
            set {_i} to unbreakable diamond sword named "&bLevel Stealer"
            set {_n} to nbt compound of {_i}
            set string tag "lvlType" of {_n} to "lvlstealer"
            give arg-1 {_i}
        else if arg-2 is "crown":
            set {_i} to unbreakable golden helmet named "&eLevels Crown"
            set {_n} to nbt compound of {_i}
            set string tag "lvlType" of {_n} to "crown"
            give arg-1 {_i}
            send "&7avaliable items: xpbanisher, lvlstealer, crown" to player

on tab complete of "/givelevelsitems":
    set tab completions for position 1 to all players
    set tab completions for position 2 to "xpbanisher", "lvlstealer" and "crown"

on death of a player:
    victim is a player
    attacker is a player
    loop items in attacker's inventory:
        if string tag "lvlType" of nbt compound of loop-item is "xpbanisher":
            set {_c} to true
    {_c} is true
    ban victim due to "&7You got killed by %attacker's name% with the power of the &4Experience Banisher"
    kick victim because of "&7You got killed by %attacker's name% with the power of the &4Experience Banisher"
    send "&f%victim's name%&7's xp ran dry" to attacker

on damage of a player:
    victim is a player
    attacker is a player
    set {_n} to nbt compound of attacker's tool
    string tag "lvlType" of {_n} is "lvlstealer"
    set {_t} to metadata tag "stealerCooldown" of attacker
    if {_t} is set:
        if difference between {_t} and now is less than 120 seconds:
    set {_r} to ceiling(random number between 1 and 5)
    if victim's level is less than {_r}:
        set {_r} to the victim's level
    increase the attacker's level by {_r}
    reduce the victim's level by {_r}
    set metadata tag "stealerCooldown" of attacker to now
    draw 2 explosion at location of victim
    send "&7Your &bLevel Stealer &7stole you &f%ceiling({_r})% &7levels from %victim's name%" to attacker
    send "&7%attacker's name% stole &f%ceiling({_r})% &7levels from you using &bLevel Stealer" to victim

on consume of golden apple:
    player is a player
    set {_n} to nbt compound of player's helmet
    string tag "lvlType" of {_n} is "crown"
    difference between metadata value "appleCooldown" of player and now is less than 30 seconds
    apply regeneration 3 to the player for 3 seconds
    set metadata value "appleCooldown" of player to now
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When i run the command to give myself it, it doesnt give me and just says ''available items: xpbanisher, lvlstealer and crown''
nvm I found a little error, reload the page and the script above should work
It works but i have a question, can you code a domain expansion item for me?
its fine if u say no

How it works:

Ender eye that if you hit someone with it, it teleports them to the designated area.
in more detail, What i want is that if you hit someone with an endereye it broadcasts ''%player% has pulled %player% into their domain'' and how i want this to work is that for example if me [Yushaa] hit someone with the endereye the person who got hit would be teleported to a specific area


When you hit someone with the ender eye it teleports both players to a specific area
LOL maybe try to pay someone or someome may have made it in the future (if your still interested)
i coded it myself so its fine , back then i was terrible at skript but i learned now
also the levels skript only works on below 1.20.1