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  1. Aidanete

    Solved How I can show a variable value in a message or text

    I'm trying to show the value of a variable in a message like: {var.player} is 1 message "player is {var.player}" and get in the game "Player is 1" I want to make a message show a variable but the message shows the variable name instead. I don't know why. Here one of the failing code: message...
  2. FUZIK

    Solved variables

    how difference between ""delete {list::*}" and "clear {list::*}"?
  3. T

    Solved Variable inside a variable?

    Skript Version: latest stable version Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.8.8 Hello there, As I described in the title, I am attempting to use a variable inside another variable. I know about {variable.%player%}, but here I think I need something more specific. Anyway, here's my code...
  4. M

    Solved Duplicated Variables

    I'm curious if there is a solution to the duplicating of variables problem. For example, if {zombieKills.%player%} equals 0, then a moment later I add 1 to {zombieKills.%player%}, skript creates a second variable in the variables.csv file and I now have 2 {zombieKills.%player%} variables, one...
  5. A

    player inventory

    how to store every item in player inventory (including its nbt, lore, name) to variables or mysql?
  6. X

    Variables loading super slow

    Hey everyone! I'm using skript for a long time now and my Server was in offline mode for a long time (about 6 years almost), now because some players are botting my Server and I didn't find a good solution for it (None of the "AntiBot"-Plugins worked good for me) I wanted to turn my server in...
  7. T

    Solved Multiplying 2 variables - not possible?

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev29) Minecraft Version: 1.12.1 --- Full Code: set {_total} to ({_amount} * {_exp}) Errors on Reload: None Troubleshooting: Have you tried searching the docs? Yes Have you tried searching the forums? Yes
  8. Orendigo

    Other Use YAML (Responsibly)

    So I posted this in a thread a while ago, and I felt it needs a bigger audience, so I'll post it here. So, I was curious about the subject, so I ran a few test to gather data. My findings were pretty much what I expected after reading Rezz's Don't Use Yaml post. Using the script provided in...
  9. S

    Issues with Skript Sign Variables

    Hi so i was creating some scripts in skript and i was thinking about making a essentials-like sign: [Sell] and [Buy] for example and i was wandering the sign's variables like variable for event-block line1 , line2 ecc... Here is the code i was making it gives me errors on the variables, the...
  10. E

    Solved Please help me with loop

    I have this script that will get ban history of player and will place it in a GUI. When i use this script, it will place 50 items instead of 8 and this will be the Lore of the items: BeatTheBeat,BeatTheBeat,BeatTheBeat,BeatTheBeat,BeatTheBeat,BeatTheBeat,BeatTheBeat,BeatTheBeat. I dont know...
  11. F

    Variable Server Name

    Hello, Is there a variable for the name of the server The Server name is in the "server-name=Test-1" Thank you FridiousHD
  12. SoMuchWessel

    Single variables to List variables

    Hey guys, I use a lot of single variables in my code, which is a bit unefficient. So I want to learn more about list variables and how they work. But what i want more is how to convert some of my single variables into list variables, doing the same thing. Like here i have some examples of...
  13. Spartan9802

    Variable in the RAM

    Hello :D Is it possible to save variables directly in the RAM through the .CSV file? Help plz :/
  14. S

    Hotbar saves

    So I'm trying to have people use custom hotbars and to configure it themselves. This is what I have so far, and the hotbars won't save at all. Any help? What I have:
  15. J

    Solved HELP - Lists not working!

    Hi! Look at this: command /sounds [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&d&m---------------------[ &9Sounds &d&m]---------------------" send "&a&o/sounds &7- &6&oShow this help page." send "&a&o/sounds list &7- &6&oList every sound...
  16. F

    [solved] Sorting list variables. (for ranking script?

    Actually, it is possible to create ranking script without any addon. (Like below) However, if the data became too big, such script cause heavy heavy lag. (That is fatal!! ;( So my suggestion is addon which has sorting functions. (Or anyone know how to create the faster ranking system, only...