Solved Variable inside a variable?

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Dec 6, 2017
Skript Version: latest stable version
Skript Author: Bensku
Minecraft Version: 1.8.8

Hello there,
As I described in the title, I am attempting to use a variable inside another variable.
I know about {variable.%player%}, but here I think I need something more specific.
Anyway, here's my code:
command /somecommand [<text>]:
        loop all players:
            set {somevariable.player} to loop-player
            make console execute command "/%arg 1%"
What did I expect?
Let's say I have Notch and Dinnerbone on my server.
> somecommand say Hello, %{somevariable.player}%
< [Server] Hello, Notch
< [Server] Hello, Dinnerbone

What actually happened?
The replication of the command was
< [Server] Hello, %{somevariable.player}%
< [Server] Hello, %{somevariable.player}%

Any tip/suggestion/advice is going to be highly welcomed!
Appreciations in advance!
You want to say hello to the players when they join or? please explain what u want it to do :emoji_slight_smile:
You want to say hello to the players when they join or? please explain what u want it to do :emoji_slight_smile:
I am trying to execute a command, including each player's name it.
Having the players "Player1", "Player2", "Player3", etc. and executing the command "/somecommand givecrate %{somevariable.player}%" should give a crate to all players.
So what's the sense?
There is no /giveallcrate command, so the only possible way to give a player a crate is by typing each player's name. And that's what I am trying to achieve. Do not suggest me any crate plugins! The crate is just an example. I may need to ban all online players ;P (/somecommand ban %{somevariable.player}%)
So in the case `/somecommand ban %{somevariable.player}% Bye!`, or `/somecommand givecrate %{somevariable.player}%` the script should make the Console execute:
/ban Player1 Bye!
/ban Player2 Bye!
/ban Player3 Bye!
or in the case with the crate:
/givecrate Player1
/givecrate Player2
/givecrate Player3
/givecrate Player4

Got it?
You need to evaluate for it.

But if you use broadcast. you don't need it I believe (My brain is confused now)

broadcast "%arg-1%"
You need to evaluate for it.

But if you use broadcast. you don't need it I believe (My brain is confused now)

broadcast "%arg-1%"
I do not fully understand, but I got an idea. Maybe split %arg 1% by {player}?
I am going to try this right now, and I post my code if someone else is also interested.
An example:

command /all [<text>]:
    loop all players:
      make console execute command "/%arg 1% %loop-player%"
So, if the command after /all is "/kick", console will execute "/kick PlayerOnline1" "/kick PlayerOnline2" "/kick PlayerOnline3". did you mean that?
An example:

command /all [<text>]:
    loop all players:
      make console execute command "/%arg 1% %loop-player%"
So, if the command after /all is "/kick", console will execute "/kick PlayerOnline1" "/kick PlayerOnline2" "/kick PlayerOnline3". did you mean that?
This will only work if you place the player's name at the end of the command - having arguments after it won't be possible.
this is why loop-player was invented I believe

use loop-player where ever you want to test all players
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