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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. NCSGeek

    Skript Tools Skript UDL for Notepad++ (Newer) 1.0

    Hello Skript community! I wanted to make a Skript Notepad++ UDL since the old one: https://forums.skunity.com/resources/dark-vs-light-notepad-udl.156/ I couldnt get working anymore. To use this UDL, download the .xml file. Then, since this dark UDL was made for usage along with the "Obsidian...
  2. tim740

    Skript Tools Obsidian Skript UDL for Notepad ++ (Skript-Dark) 5.6

    (Edited & More Updated version of Skript UDL by destroyer) 1. Install Notepad++ 2. Download the latest version of the UDL. (Right click the gray bar: Save Page As) 3. Open "Notepad+ +" 4. Change your main theme to Obsidian by navigating to "Settings" then to "Style Configuratior" 5. Where is...
  3. Veraid

    Skript Tools Dark VS Light Notepad++ UDL 1.0

    Description: This UDL was available on old skunity forums but I was unable to bring back the light theme as I only had the dark saved, I've changed the light theme to have all the features as dark this UDL comes with syntax highlighting for conditions, effects, events, comments, strings...
  4. tim740

    Skript Tools SkriptDark: Atom - (IDE/UDL) 2017-01-24

    Don't forget to leave feedback and maybe a like?, and addon/syntax suggestions! Also if you make an addon and send me the syntax ill add it really quickly! If i have forget something please tell me what i forgot and provide the syntax so i can fix that! Install Atom: https://atom.io...