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Skript Tools SkriptDark: Atom - (IDE/UDL) 2017-01-24

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View attachment 36 Don't forget to leave feedback and maybe a like?, and addon/syntax suggestions!
Also if you make an addon and send me the syntax ill add it really quickly!
If i have forget something please tell me what i forgot and provide the syntax so i can fix that!

Manager: @tim740

Thanks to @eyesniper2, @Headshot & @w00tmast3r for providing help in the passt.

  • Predictive Typing
  • Error Highlighting (Coming Soon)
  • Auto Folding (At every command, event, function, if, else ect..)
  • Color Code Support (Color Codes get Highlighted)
  • 40+ Colors!
  • Color Support for loads of types
  • Plus so much more!

Install Atom:

  1. Download Both the theme and language links below!
  2. Go to "Version" and download the zip from each link
  3. Unzip
  4. Place both folders in "YOURUSERNAME/.atom/packages" (It will be a hidden folder)
  5. Language-Skript Package will auto-load
  6. To load the theme go to settings then themes.
  7. Under "Choose a Theme" will be 2 options pick "Syntax Theme"
  8. Select "SkriptDark-Syntax" or "SkriptLight-Syntax" or "SkriptDark-Neon-Syntax", and your done!
Download Language:
Download DarkTheme:
Download LightTheme:
Download Dark Neon Theme:
Download Light Neon Theme:

Or you can download a public theme!

In the menu bar click settings
Click ‘Packages’ in top menu bar
  • Select ‘Settings View > Open’ within the dropdown menu
  • Select ‘+ Install’ in the left navigational menu
  • Search ‘Skript in the search bar that appears
  • Click the blue ‘install’ button
Click ‘Themes’ in top menu bar
  • Select ‘Settings View > Open’ within the dropdown menu
  • Select ‘+ Install’ in the left navigational menu
  • Search "SkriptDark" or "SkriptLight" in the search bar that appears
  • Pick a theme and click the blue ‘install’ button
  • To load the theme go to settings then themes.
  • Under "Choose a Theme" will be 2 options pick "Syntax Theme"
  • Select the Downloaded theme and your done!
Or you can download a Public theme!

You have to use the same licence (MIT)

First you need a GitHub Account:
Download GitHub Desktop:
Fork my DarkTheme: or LightTheme:
Rename it to "SkriptDark-YOURCHOOSENNAME-syntax" if it's a dark based theme or name it "SkriptLight-YOURCHOOSENNAME-syntax" if it's a light based theme.
Open GitHub Desktop and Clone it to your ."atom/packages" Folder
Open AtomEditor and go to "file" "add project folder" and locate the fork
Go in to "package.json" edit it and link to your repo
Edit also provide a picture link too by replacing the current one
Make sure to edit the licence replace all "Skript-Atom" with your name.
Next you'll want to edit the colors you can do that by going in to the folder "styles" and the file "colors.less"
When you finished editing link atom to your github and get your key (you will need this to use Git Shell)
Open Git Shell now get the path of your syntax theme and type
cd "PATH"
Wait till it's found this will take a few seconds, now type
apm publish TAG
I Suggest doing apm publish minor
Acceptable tags are numbers for example "1.2.5"
or "Patch" (0.0.1 Added to current version number)
or "Minor" (0.1.0 Added to current version number)
or "Major" (1.0.0 Added to current version number)
Wait till it finishes.
Once it's done create your thread in "Skript Tools" named "YOURCHOOSENNAME for SkriptDark"
Now you have you own Public theme for SkriptDark!:smiley:

Please Post Bugs/Issues here:

Note: If you already have this downloaded you can go to "file" then "settings" then "updates" and "check for updates"
Note: These will Auto-Update, You need to download both!

For Dark Themes use One Dark UI
For Light Themes use One Light UI

Addon's that support this Project

Coming Soon!

If you would like to support me and get your new/updated syntax added pm me it,
By doing this it will help me alot and get your syntax added fast.

#! - Mark an important section of a comment. Displays all text after it red. It can be closed by using adding a !# to the end of the important section. Good for pointing out information to others.
("Comment Distinguishing" & "Folding" taken from destroyers thread)

Go to "settings" "packages" and look for "wrapguide" and disable it, it will remove that line

Lets say for example your using the theme Skript Dark Neon Syntax

Try changing the ui theme to One Dark then change the theme to Skript Dark Neon Syntax
If that doesn't work uninstall the package Language-Skript and the theme Skript Dark Neon Syntax and re-install both of them and change the ui theme to One Dark then change the theme back to Skript Dark Neon Syntax

if you don't have the package installed then just install that and try to change the ui theme to One Dark then change the theme back to Skript Dark Neon Syntax
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Reactions: Pikachu
First release
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4.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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  • Deleted member
  • 3.00 star(s)
  • Version: 2017-01-24
This is amazing, I love that we have this for Skript, but I noticed the language files are 2 years old?!?! Is there a plan to update these?
I have no plans to update this any longer, sorry.
This is a great tool for anyone skripting. i highly recommend it.
it's a nice and great project but your syntax packages are outdated
Great for anyone using atom, before i found this, my skripts looked very boring, and slightly confusing. Such a great IDE for atom, i would highly recommend it to anyone with atom.