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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Nikola

    Solved Help with WorldGuard regions

    Hello. I have been working at one project in skript and I really need your help. My idea is to send title or message when player enters worldguard region (example: region named "Spawn"). My problem is that I can't find a code for entering specified region. Is there any addon which adds region...
  2. Marsbar

    Solved Scoreboard

    Hi Every one, this scoreboard skript won't send the lines after the "Rank:" line. Im sorry if this is my plugins but i could need help. Every 0.1 second: loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "%{scorename.%loop-player%}%"...
  3. Jakkeren

    Problem with scoreboard.

    Hello. We're a freshly started OPPrison server, and we've just opened. We've run into problems however... Our scoreboard skript linked below causes the server to lag extremely much -- it's unplayable. We've had to disable it for a bit of time now, and we're wondering if we're doing anything...
  4. S

    Can someone help me??

    Hello how can I do that when I hold an iron hoe that then constantly shoots snowballs
  5. Aidanete

    Error with citizen names SkRayfall

    Hello, I recently (today) started using SkRayfall with Citizens plugins, however, I had an error sometimes with the code "citizen is named": My code: on citizen left click: citizen is named "<light red><bold>Antikore": message "<light red>[Antikore] <white>Ouch!, Thank you?" to the...
  6. D

    Make everyone say something

    Skript Version: 2.2 Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 and 1.8.9 Code: command /guccigang: permission: guccigang.use permission message: &cyou ain't got any perms buddy L trigger: loop all players: make loop-players say "Gucci Gang" execute console command...
  7. SamDFL

    Problem with SkRayfall Scoreboard

    Skript Version: Skript (Latest Version) Skript Author: SamDFL Minecraft Version: 1.8.9 So I'm trying to make a scoreboard for my UHC server while players are in the lobby. It shows amount of players online, host's name, team size and the server's twitter. This was working earlier, but suddenly...
  8. V

    Help pls.....

    I use this code to close my event but its not teleport player to spawn and idk if check for players on a list is ok. and also it doesn't remove full event folder only folders is still in %player%'s event-1 is data and region idk why is that happening other files from folder is removed just fine...
  9. eyesniper2

    Addon skRayFall 1.9.28

    Description skRayFall is an addon for the Skript language. Get the bleeding edge tools and features that will help make your server come alive and take it to the next level. Skript is the most popular high level coding language designed for minecraft, allowing you to make awesome features...
  10. Aralwen

    Solved Update scoreboard don't work exactly

    Hi developpers, I have a problem, I use the command /timer for display scoreboard to players then the /timermaj command is performed every second to update the counter. The problem is that the scoreboard updates only to the last person who executed the /timer command Explanation of the...
  11. J

    Item in holo object. (SkRayFall or Skellet)

    Spigot Version: Paperspigot 1.9.4 Skript Version: 1.9.4 (2.2) command /holo: trigger: create holo object "Item:diamond;Test1" with id "playersitem.%player%" at location of player Hologram is spawning but don't show the any items. :/ Thank you for your interest.
  12. T

    Problem with Skript, SkQuery and SkRayFall

    Hi! I have problem, when I download Skript, SkQuery or SkRayFall newest versions to my server they are not working. Skript will not generate folder where I can put scripts and when i do /plugins, there are not those plugins. Few days ago they worked perfectly, but it...
  13. L

    Can't Make Tablist Update Using SkRayFall

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2-Fixes-VBb Skript Author: Njol Minecraft Version: 1.8.8 --- Full Code: _Note: If the code is too large, feel free to use a pasting website (Pastebin or hastebin)_ _Note: If a variable is being set in another script, but not shown, please explain how they are being set_...