Make everyone say something

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Deleted member 6377

Skript Version: 2.2
Minecraft Version: 1.7.10 and 1.8.9

command /guccigang:
    permission: guccigang.use
    permission message: &cyou ain't got any perms buddy L
        loop all players:
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci Gang',color:'red',bold:true}"
            wait 12 ticks
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci Gang',color:'light_purple',bold:true}"
            wait 12 ticks
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci Gang',color:'yellow',bold:true}"
            wait 12 ticks
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci Gang',color:'green',bold:true}"
            wait 12 ticks
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci Gang',color:'aqua',bold:true}"
            wait 12 ticks
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci Gang',color:'dark_aqua',bold:true}"
            wait 12 ticks
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci Gang',color:'blue',bold:true}"
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            wait 6 ticks
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci',color:'blue',bold:true}"
            wait 6 ticks
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gang',color:'light_purple',bold:true}"
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            wait 6 ticks
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci',color:'gold',bold:true}"
            wait 6 ticks
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gang',color:'dark_red',bold:true}"
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            wait 6 ticks
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci',color:'gray',bold:true}"
            wait 6 ticks
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gang',color:'dark_gray',bold:true}"
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            wait 6 ticks
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gucci',color:'green',bold:true}"
            wait 6 ticks
            execute console command "title @a title {text:'Gang',color:'yellow',bold:true}"
            make loop-players say "Gucci Gang"
            wait 15 ticks
            execute console command "title @a reset"

No errors on reload.
No console errors.


skRayFall (I don't think this is needed)
Umbaska (I don't think this is needed)

The problem was when 2 players or more are on, it does the whole Skript for each player. Here's a picture:

Gucci Gang Skript.png

Yes I got this command idea from the /loganpaul video LOL
When you loop a players and add delay to it, it will delay every time you loop a player.
For example
loop all players:
    make loop-player say "hi"
    wait 1 second
That will wait 1 second after 1 player is looped.

So you have to use loop-player several times.
For example
loop all players:
    make loop-player say "message1"
wait 12 tick
loop all players:
    make loop-player say "message2"

A think you could also do is this (I'm not sure if this is working)
make all players say "message 1"
wait 12 tick
make all players say "message 2"
I prefer you to choose this one if it is working, this because it causes less lag.

- DieHollander
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Yes I got this command idea from the /loganpaul video LOL???????????????????

I'm not bent nor am i 9 years old so i've no clue what this means
Yes I got this command idea from the /loganpaul video LOL???????????????????

I'm not bent nor am i 9 years old so i've no clue what this means
I'm 14 fyi

There was a video uploaded by Spifey and it was /loganpaul and it made every person on the server say the lyrics of one of his songs
@D0XY Maybe this will solve it?

command /guccigang:
    permission: guccigang.yell
    permission message: &cYou cannot execute this command!
        make all players say "Gucci Gang"
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