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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. FUZIK

    entity-tracking-range help!

    entity-tracking-range by mojang works by using the "x" and "z" axis. script: by bensku mc: 1.12 addons: SkQuery by Lime entity-tracking-range by scriptworks by using the "x", "y" and "z" axis. problem: how can this be implemented by the "entity-tracking-range" across all axes (x, y, z)...
  2. S

    Solved Simple Comand Cooldown [Help]

    Hello, I want to create a simple command with Cooldown for my server. But he does not work the way I would like it. Pls Help me ======================================================== command /feed: trigger: player has permission "lul": set {_diff} to difference...
  3. Adrihun

    Solved Stylish scoreboards 50mb

    So I'm trying to make A scoreboard animation with skelett scoreboard. on join: player has permission "scoreboarddzz.use" wait 1 second while player is online: set title of stylish scoreboard "test-%player%" to "&dLol" if player is not online: stop...
  4. Adrihun

    Solved a

  5. EWS

    Script skBackpacks NBT | A better way to store your stuff! 3.3 release

    skBackpacks [insert a wonderful logo here] ABOUT: This script allows you to store your items in a non-virtual backpack! It's great for hardcore servers that just want to give player's more slots, but without making them unstealable! Every backpack can be traded, stole and sold! FEATURES: •...