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  1. R

    Hide projectile

    Hello, I am trying to hide projectile for players but for some reason it doesnt work, can anyone explain ? on shoot: projectile is snowball {magic.wand.snowball} is 1 set metadata tag "snowball wand projectile" of projectile to true set {magic.wand.snowball} to 0 while...
  2. P

    Solved Projectile Burst

    Hey! Im looking for a way to rotate a projectile after it has been shot: loop 10 times: set {_random} to random integer between -15 and 15 shoot an arrow from {loc} at speed 1.2 #something like this: change rotation of last spawned entity by {_random} my skript addons: -skbee...
  3. T

    Boomerang help

    Hello, how can I make a boomerang projectile?
  4. T

    Particles help

    Hello I need help with particle projectiles, I dont know how to make in skript 1.12.2 with addons a particle projectile like umbaska or the magicspells and Magic plugin. Im making a self coded Harry Potter RPG server and I want to make custom spells
  5. A

    Shoot snowball rendered as...

    snowballs are able to be rendered as other block/items in minecraft (screenshot from is it possible to do this in skript? this is the code ive got but doesn't work (im also using the addon SkBee) on right click with stick: shoot snowball add...
  6. T

    Invisible proyectiles help

    Hi, I want to know how can I make invisible a fireball or any other projectile like an snowball or an arrow with packets or any other form because im making a magic spell skript for my server and I only know how to do them shooting a projectile trailed with skdragon particles. (I know how to...
  7. T

    Make a projectile invisible

    Hi, I want to know how can I make invisible a fireball or any other projectile like an snowball or an arrow with packets or any other form because im making a magic spell skript for my server and I only know how to do them shooting a projectile trailed with skdragon particles. (I know how to...
  8. T


  9. C

    For 40 seconds, set all arrows fired to have effects

    Hello all, I've recently started using Skript and am really stuck with how to do a few things. I'd like to have a script that does the following. (Note that this uses a custom item/handle in the first part which triggers when the item is just right clicked. This works fine and my query isn't...
  10. G

    Could you give me some help? (About projectile)

    Skript ver: 2.4 Mincraft ver: 1.12.2 I was making a skript about gun which shoots stone button, but the effects when button hits the entity doesn't work and also reloading system doesn't work too. I need some feedback and help to fix my code. On Load: set {ammo} to 20 command /gun...
  11. R

    How to send a sound or message when a projectile hits an item frame

    How to send a sound or message when a projectile hits an item frame? Can I also prevent the item frame from being deleted in that case?
  12. R

    Solved How to send a sound or message when a projectile hits an item frame

    How to send a sound or message when a projectile hits an item frame? Can I also prevent the item frame from being deleted in that case?
  13. E

    Particles around arrow

    hey, I tried to make arrows with particles on a 1.8.8 server but it doesn't work. There are no erros but nothing happens, when i shoot an arrow! on shoot: projectile is arrow: while ground state of projectile is false: play heart at projectile wait 1 tick...
  14. I

    'on damage' doesn't work in commands

    I have this here: command /avadakedavra: aliases: /ak trigger: if player is holding a stick: message "Avada Kedavra!" make player shoot snowball on damage: projectile exists projectile is a snowball...
  15. Aidanete

    Solved Anyway to detect the hitten block of a projectile hit event?

    Here is my code, I want to make eggs destroy blocks, but I tested with event-block and didn't work, and this I used to replace it in my code doesn't remove the blocks. HELP! on projectile hit: projectile is an egg: shooter is a player: block at projectile is tnt...
  16. NCSGeek

    Solved 'on projectile hit' victim.

    I need to apply slowness to the victim on a snowball. But I cant find how to do so in the forums or the docs. Skript Version: Skript v2.2-dev34 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.11.2 --- on projectile hit: projectile is a snowball apply slowness 2 to the target Errors on...
  17. Selvati

    Solved Projectile Trails

    I know that it is possible to give arrows a custom particle trail using the code below, how can I do this same effect for fishing rods, snowballs, and eggs? on shoot: projectile is arrow: while ground state of projectile is false: play heart at projectile...
  18. Selvati

    Solved 1.12.2 Projectile Trail

    To my knowledge and what I have attempted, no public skript for projectile trails works on spigot 1.12.2, in the past few days many problems have arisen for me with my plugins, if anyone has advice on how to do this in 1.12.2 bypassing the no longer workingg methods, then please do leave a...
  19. A

    Solved how to make a rebound ? (advenced math)

    Hi everyone (I'm FR, sorry for my english)! I have my own projectile trajectory system based on the reality. This cool system allows me to predict the trajectory of my projectile even before firing (in 1 tick)! How to calculate a projectile rebound against a block ? (I'm talking about a...
  20. T

    Particles help (Urgent)

    I want to know if is possible to use block break or colored red dust particles in umbaska particle projectiles, and if is possible, how to do it