Make a projectile invisible

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Feb 20, 2017
Hi, I want to know how can I make invisible a fireball or any other projectile like an snowball or an arrow with packets or any other form because im making a magic spell skript for my server and I only know how to do them shooting a projectile trailed with skdragon particles. (I know how to make an armor stand invisible with nbt but I dont know if this also works for fireballs or any other projectile)

If anyone knows how to do particle projectile by other form thats also work for me. (Im looking for a particle projectile like Magic plugin on spigot that damage entities or players on hit and play particles on hit a block)

PD: My server is on 1.12.2 version with skript 2.2 dev36
why would you want to hide a fireball. I dont think it's possible atleast it's not a normal entity its more like an object without a health pool which has to be invisible just make an armor stand invisible small and invureable and shoot it and do the particles on him
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