Particles help

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Feb 20, 2017
Hello I need help with particle projectiles, I dont know how to make in skript 1.12.2 with addons a particle projectile like umbaska or the magicspells and Magic plugin. Im making a self coded Harry Potter RPG server and I want to make custom spells
Like harry potter alot
and yes i do please send adress to ur server when ur done ill check it out
play 20 flame 1 infront player's head
or if you want it at the arrow
play 20 flame 1 at last spawned arrow
or trail
play 20 flame 1 at last spawned arrow
wait 3 tick
play 20 flame 1 at last spawned arrow
wait 3 tick
play 20 flame 1 at last spawned arrow
you can extend that to how ever long you like
on right click:
    if player is holding a torch named "&4F&6i&4r&6e &6w&4a&6n&4d":
        shoot arrow at speed 4
        play sound "minecraft:block.amethyst_cluster.break" to player
        play sound "" to player
        play sound "minecraft:block.amethyst_cluster.hit" to player
        play 20 flame 1 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 1.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 2 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 2.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 3 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 3.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 4 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 4.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 5.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 6 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 6.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 7.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 8 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 8.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 9 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 9.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 10 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 10.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 11 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 11.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 12 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 12.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 13 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 13.5 infront player's head
        wait 1 tick
        play 20 flame 14 infront player's head
Last edited:
Like harry potter alot
and yes i do please send adress to ur server when ur done ill check it out
play 20 flame 1 infront player's head
or if you want it at the arrow
play 20 flame 1 at last spawned arrow
or trail
play 20 flame 1 at last spawned arrow
wait 3 tick
play 20 flame 1 at last spawned arrow
wait 3 tick
play 20 flame 1 at last spawned arrow
you can extend that to how ever long you like
but this is only the particle effect, I want the particle effect with a particle projectile, I mean you cast the spell and the spell is a projectile of particles that if hits the ground stops and if hits a player do the effect of the spell
    projectile exists
    projectile is a arrow
    projectile exists
    projectile is a arrow
That's not what Im looking for, im looking for a particle projectile like in umbaska old versiones or particle projectiles with skdragon
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