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    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. R

    Solved Modify existing command

    I use FactionsUUID and Lands, I want both to work together so I have been building a script to make it happen. However, when it comes to banning and kicking from factions I need to be able to target the second argument in the command and I do not know how to do that. All commands in this script...
  2. F

    Creating and removing bound holo objects

    command /givenameholo [<player>] [<text>]: trigger: if player is op: if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is set: create bound holo object "&e%arg-2%" with id "HoloName::%arg-1%" to arg 1 offset by 0, 3.2, 0 send "%arg-2% is now %arg-1%'s nickname." to player else: send "Type a nickname for the player." to...
  3. C

    Variables and arguments

    I want to /setbal for a player and the amount, but when on the last line the code is wrong and i don't know how to fix it command /setbal <player> <number>: permission: op permission message: "&4&lUhh, you can't do that" aliases: /sbal trigger: if arg-2 is not set: send "&c/setbal...
  4. pokw

    How do I use Skript timestamp arguments?

    I was wondering on how to use the Skript timestamp arguments in a certain way. I looked this up and have found nothing on this and have been searching for a while now so I decided to go to the forums for help. Q: What does it look like to write out a timestamp when executing a custom command...
  5. L

    My %arg 1% comes back as <none>

    So.. I'm trying to create a Report GUI to be unique, and not generic like everyone else. You know, to make this mf pop! Here is my code : Here is the message that is comes out as : There is no error in console, or...
  6. T

    Solved Loop players in world *argument*

    loop all players in "%arg 1%": loop {@Lines} times: broadcast "" broadcast "{@Prefix} {@Chat cleared message}" I have a command with an argument so I can clear the chat in a specific world. However, when I reload the skript it says "%arg 1% is...
  7. kamilleon

    Solved Cooldown time for argument player

    I wanted to create a plot rating point system for admins, to rate the players plots, and give them points depending on the rating. Also I wanted to add an anti-abuse system to it, so a player can be only rated once every hour, globally. else: set...
  8. S

    Solved Killboard argument help

    Using this code command /killboard <text> <text>: permission: {@perms} trigger: if arg-1 is not set: message "&7&oPlease specify an argument!" message "&7&oEx: /killboard name SandyVerse" message "&7&oEx: /killboard add SandyVerse"...
  9. S

    Killboard argument help

    Using this code command /killboard <text> <text>: permission: {@perms} trigger: if arg-1 is not "add" or "remove" or "name" or "off": message "&7&oPlease specify an argument!" message "&7&oEx: /killboard name SandyVerse" message "&7&oEx...