Using this code
If the argument isn't set, how would I send the messages that are associated with it?
command /killboard <text> <text>:
permission: {@perms}
if arg-1 is not set:
message "&7&oPlease specify an argument!"
message "&7&oEx: /killboard name SandyVerse"
message "&7&oEx: /killboard add SandyVerse"
message "&7&oEx: /killboard remove SandyVerse"
message "&7&oEx: /killboard off (Please note, this clears pvp time, meetup time, kills, etc. Please don't run if you're hosting!"
else if arg-1 is "add":
execute console command "/scoreboard players add %arg-2% uhc 1"
send "{@P} &6Kill for &6%arg-2% added!"
else if arg-1 is "remove":
execute console command "/scoreboard players reset %arg-2%"
send "{@P} &7Kills for &6%arg-1% removed!"
else if arg-1 is "name":
set {scoreboardname} to "&bAbyssal&8 » &7&o%arg-2%"
send "{@P} &7Set name to &6%arg-2%!"
else if arg-1 is "off":
make player execute command "/timerclear"
If the argument isn't set, how would I send the messages that are associated with it?