I wanted to create a plot rating point system for admins, to rate the players plots, and give them points depending on the rating.
Also I wanted to add an anti-abuse system to it, so a player can be only rated once every hour, globally.
But my current code doesn't work, in any way.
Also I wanted to add an anti-abuse system to it, so a player can be only rated once every hour, globally.
set {_szam} to arg 3 parsed as a number
set {_jatekos} to arg 2
if {_szam} is set:
set {_pontvart} to difference between {pontozottjatekos.%arg 2%} and now
if {_pontvart} is less than {@pontozottjatekos}:
message "&6&lBalker&eCraft &8» &cEhhez még várnod kell %{pontozottjatekos.%arg 2%}% másodpercet!"
if {_szam} is between 1 and 10:
set {_szam} to {_szam}*10
add {_szam} to {rankpoint.%arg 2%}
add {_szam} to {koltopont.%arg 2%}
message "&6&lBalker&eCraft &8» &eHozzáadva &6%arg 2% &ejátékoshoz &6%{_szam}% &epont!"
set {pontozottjatekos.%arg 2%} to 3600
message "&6&lBalker&eCraft &8» &cAdj meg egy pontozást 1-10-ig!"
message "&6&lBalker&eCraft &8» &cAdj meg egy pontozást 1-10-ig!"
But my current code doesn't work, in any way.