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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

    If you haven't done so already, feel free to join our official Discord server to expand your level of interaction with the comminuty!

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  1. sluhtie

    ClashRoyale, Clash of Clans and Idle Miner Tycoon (COMBO)

    )----------------------------------------[ CLASHROYALE ]----------------------------------------( Hey adventurer! Looking for something that you have never experienced before on minehut? Then this is may be interesting for you. ClashRoyale is a project I'm working on. I wanted to create...
  2. sluhtie

    Most performant way to save data

    Hey, so I'm trying out for a while now what would be the most performant and efficient way to save player data. I came up with 4 different ways to do so. But now I wanted to ask what you guys think is the best way to do that. I sorted them from most performant to most unperformant. Method 1 -...
  3. sluhtie

    Custom Model Data GUI

    Hey, I'm looking for a way to create gui with custom model data to the player. Is that somehow possible?
  4. sluhtie

    Need help using Skungee network variables

    So I'm trying to make a playtime command using Skungee because I have a bungeecord network. So my Problem is that It gives me a error at my scheduler of ervery second. Maybe someone could help me. This is my Skript (proxy/plugins/Skungee/scripts): This is my Error: I'm getting the error on...
  5. sluhtie

    ArmorStand Particles [SkDragon]

    Hello, currently I am trying to make a ArmorStand spiral particle effect with SkDragon. My Problem is that the Skript loads without any errors but it still doesen't work. Maybe someone can help me out a bit? Here is my current Code: command /test: trigger: loop all entities...
  6. sluhtie

    UTF-8 in yaml

    Hello everyone, I want to crate a external config using Skript where you can set the prefix of my Skript. But everytime I open the generated config there are these funny color codes: prefix: "\xa78[\xa7eAntiBuild\xa78]" But I want to have the Color codes like &a and &4... If you know what I...
  7. sluhtie

    play sound expression isn't working

    Hello guys, today I found out that if I run spigot 1.12.2 player's cant her sounds from Skript if there Client Version is 1.8 (Below 1.12.2) but that 1.12.2 player's also can hear sounds from the 1.8.8 Skript Play Sound Expression. So I downgraded my Server from 1.12.2 to 1.8.8 and installed all...
  8. sluhtie

    Can‘t remove custom named items from inventory

    Hey, I’m trying to remove a custom named pickaxe from a player’s inventory but this: remove 1 diamond pickaxe named “&5Test” from player’s inventory Does not work for me :( No errors, it just does not remove the item. And I have to do it like so because I can’t use delete player’s held item...