Hello everyone, I want to crate a external config using Skript where you can set the prefix of my Skript. But everytime I open the generated config there are these funny color codes:
But I want to have the Color codes like &a and &4... If you know what I mean.
Well the value works good but If I Change the prefix in the extrenal config from "\xa78[\xa7eAntiBuild\xa78]" to "&8 ● &eMagma&6Vace &8»" I become this message in chat:
Firstly the Color codes don't work and the UTF-8 dosen't work so how can I Import Color codes and UTF-8 format in external configs?
Here is my Skript:
Here is the generated config.yml:
Skript Addons:
WildSkript (Ver: 1.8)
Skellett (Ver: 1.9.6b)
skRayFall (Ver: 1.9.19)
SkQuery (3.21.4)
Skript Version: 2.1.2
Server Version: Spigot 1.8.8
Client Version: Vanilla 1.8.9
Thanks for every answer!
prefix: "\xa78[\xa7eAntiBuild\xa78]"
But I want to have the Color codes like &a and &4... If you know what I mean.
Well the value works good but If I Change the prefix in the extrenal config from "\xa78[\xa7eAntiBuild\xa78]" to "&8 ● &eMagma&6Vace &8»" I become this message in chat:
Firstly the Color codes don't work and the UTF-8 dosen't work so how can I Import Color codes and UTF-8 format in external configs?
Here is my Skript:
on load:
file existance of "plugins/AntiBuild/config.yml" is false:
create file "plugins/AntiBuild/config.yml"
set "prefix" to "&8[&dPrefix&8]" in yaml file "plugins/AntiBuild/config.yml"
command /test:
set {prefix} to single value "prefix" get of "plugins/AntiBuild/config.yml"
broadcast "%{prefix}%"
Here is the generated config.yml:
prefix: "\xa78[\xa7eAntiBuild\xa78]"
Skript Addons:
WildSkript (Ver: 1.8)
Skellett (Ver: 1.9.6b)
skRayFall (Ver: 1.9.19)
SkQuery (3.21.4)
Skript Version: 2.1.2
Server Version: Spigot 1.8.8
Client Version: Vanilla 1.8.9
Thanks for every answer!
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