So I'm trying to make a playtime command using Skungee because I have a bungeecord network. So my Problem is that It gives me a error at my scheduler of ervery second.
Maybe someone could help me.
This is my Skript (proxy/plugins/Skungee/scripts):
This is my Error:
I'm getting the error on the Spigot server and not proxy server btw
Maybe @LimeGlass knows what to do
Skript Version: Skript-2.2-Dev36 (Custom Version)
Skungee version: 1.0.13
Server Version: paperspigot 1.8.8
BungeeCord Version: FameCord 0.2.1 Snapshot (Waterfall)
Maybe someone could help me.
This is my Skript (proxy/plugins/Skungee/scripts):
prefix: &8┃ &eSky&6Squad &8&l◆
command /playtime [<offline player>]:
aliases: pt
arg-1 is not set:
send "{@prefix} &7Deine Spielzeit &8● &e%network variable {playtime::days::%uuid of player%}%&ed %network variable {playtime::hours::%uuid of player%}%&eh %network variable {playtime::mins::%uuid of player%}%&em %network variable {playtime::seconds::%uuid of player%}%&es"
if arg-1 has played before:
network variable {playtime::seconds::%uuid of arg-1%} is set:
send "{@prefix} &7%arg-1%&7's Spielzeit &8● &e%network variable {playtime::days::%uuid of arg-1%}%&ed %network variable {playtime::hours::%uuid of arg-1%}%&eh %network variable {playtime::mins::%uuid of arg-1%}%&em %network variable {playtime::seconds::%uuid of arg-1%}%&es"
send "{@prefix} &7Die Spielzeit dieses Spielers, ist nicht bekannt!"
playSound(player, "BLAZE_HIT")
send "{@prefix} &7Dieser Spieler war noch nie auf dem Server!"
playSound(player, "BLAZE_HIT")
on join:
if network variable {playtime::seconds::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set network variable {playtime::seconds::%uuid of player%} to 0
if network variable {playtime::mins::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set network variable {playtime::mins::%uuid of player%} to 0
if network variable {playtime::hours::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set network variable {playtime::hours::%uuid of player%} to 0
if network variable {playtime::days::%uuid of player%} is not set:
set network variable {playtime::days::%uuid of player%} to 0
every second:
loop all players:
set network variable {playtime::seconds::%uuid of loop-player%} to network variable {playtime::seconds::%uuid of loop-player%}+1
network variable {playtime::seconds::%uuid of loop-player%} = 60:
set network variable {playtime::seconds::%uuid of loop-player%} to 0
set network variable {playtime::mins::%uuid of loop-player%} to network variable {playtime::mins::%uuid of loop-player%}+1
network variable {playtime::mins::%uuid of loop-player%} = 60:
set network variable {playtime::mins::%uuid of loop-player%} to 0
set network variable {playtime::hours::%uuid of loop-player%} to network variable {playtime::hours::%uuid of loop-player%}+1
network variable {playtime::hours::%uuid of loop-player%} = 60:
set network variable {playtime::hours::%uuid of loop-player%} to 0
set network variable {playtime::days::%uuid of loop-player%} to network variable {playtime::days::%uuid of loop-player%}+1
This is my Error:
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! [Skript] Severe Error:
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Something went horribly wrong with Skript.
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! This issue is NOT your fault! You probably can't fix it yourself, either.
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Your Minecraft version or server software appears to be unsupported by Skript (bensku's version).
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Currently only supported servers are Spigot and its forks for Minecraft 1.9 or newer.
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Other versions might work, but since you're getting this error message something is NOT working,
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! nor it will work, unless you switch to supported platform.
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Issue tracker: (only if you know what you're doing!)
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Stack trace:
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! java.lang.NullPointerException
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at me.limeglass.skungee.spigot.elements.expressions.ExprNetworkVariable.get(
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression.getArray(
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.effects.EffChange.execute(
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk(
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger.execute(
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at$
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B(
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B(
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A(
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! at
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Version Information:
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Skript: 2.2-dev36 (custom version)
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Bukkit: 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Minecraft: 1.8.8
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Java: 1.8.0_242 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.242-b08)
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! OS: Linux amd64 4.9.0-12-amd64
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Server platform: Paper
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Current node: null
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Current item: set ExprNetworkVariable - [[skungee] (global|network|bungee[[ ]cord]) variable [(from|of)] %objects%] to ExprNetworkVariable - [[skungee] (global|network|bungee[[ ]cord]) variable [(from|of)] %objects%]
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Current trigger: every second (every 1 second) (, line 34)
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Thread: Server thread
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Language: english
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! Link parse mode: DISABLED
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#! End of Error.
[10:33:45] [Server thread/ERROR]: #!#!
I'm getting the error on the Spigot server and not proxy server btw
Maybe @LimeGlass knows what to do
Skript Version: Skript-2.2-Dev36 (Custom Version)
Skungee version: 1.0.13
Server Version: paperspigot 1.8.8
BungeeCord Version: FameCord 0.2.1 Snapshot (Waterfall)