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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. M

    skutilities zipping

    How would I go about zipping files using skUtilities? I know the code format is this and when I reloaded the skript, no errors appeared. But when I executed the command to run it, it doesnt work. [skutil[ities] ]zip file[s] %strings% to zip[ file] %-string% Either this does not work entirely...
  2. M

    Prevent Usage of Name tags

    How do I prevent people from using name tags to rename mobs? Or the usage of something like this: To this: Note: I have tried the following: - Canceling right click event - Canceling right click event on living entity and entity
  3. M

    Fish Bite Chance

    How would i go about increasing or decreasing the speed of catching fish?
  4. M

    MySQL error/help

    I am not too sure if I am using SkQuery's or skript-db's MySQL system, but either ways, I have no idea why it breaks the skript after a reload. Even so, it didn't work initially. Here is my code: For this, I created a database named BlockProperties using the XAMPP control panel. script...
  5. M

    Armor Stand Functions Customisation

    This is just a replacement for Umbaska's armor stand pose code. Additionally, I have also included armor rotation (Advisable for armor stand animations. Requires: - SkStuff - Skquery - Skript (DUH) Direction (Pose) Rotation (Animation) #SetDirection(<entity>...
  6. M

    Solved Giving items in 1.11

    Please help! If possible, please include a stable version of skript for 1.11 or 1.11.2
  7. M

    Check if player is mining

    Is there an event to check if the player is mining?
  8. M

    Block Damage Indication

    How do I go about doing this.... For almost 3 months, i have been trying to get something like this... I have tried almost everything but it has never worked out. This is including trying to use packets, and skript addons. I made a request to make an addon for...
  9. M

    How do you add a 'tag' above a display name?

    I am looking for something like this whereby I can add multiple lines above the player's name. No, armor stands do NOT work because teleporting them directly to the entity have a slight delay, unless there is someway to resolve that, armor stands will not work. The second question is, how...
  10. M

    Mining addon

    So I have been trying to find a way to add/remove/set/check block durability with this I was wondering if it is possible to make an addon to manipulate that plugin, and if it is possible to detect if the player is mining. If there...
  11. M

    script loading the same variable

    It does not stop....
  12. M

    Skript cannot save any variables....

    [Skript] Cannot save any variables to the database 'default'..... ... [Skript] Cannot write variables in the database 'default'.... I never had this issue before, even though most of ya'll might say it is because of my variables.scv file having too many variables, I had more variables in the...
  13. M

    Solved Damage animation on mobs

    How do you make it so the damage animation works on mobs? This is how it works for players: show damage animation on loop-entity for all players But how do I do it for mobs? (The code does not work for mobs) Is it even possible?? play hurt on loop-entity-2
  14. M

    Directional Spirals

    Basically, what I need help with creating a spiral in the facing direction. Something like this.... But instead of using blocks, replace it with particles. Basically a smooth spiral going towards a certain direction for x seconds. I have tried very inefficient methods, which either...
  15. M

    Custom mob spawning in chunk

    As the name suggests, I am looking for a system to custom mobs in a chunk. However, I have tried various methods, mostly resulting in server crashes, or straight up inefficient. I have looked through the forums for help, but nothing that matches my needs. This isn't a full request but I am...