- Contributors
- Developer & Designer: Ayham alali
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- Tools Options: is a Custom Skript made by Ayham Alali for his server OPG4MERS, And he decided to share it with you
- Take a look at Features section
- Tools Options: is a Custom Skript made by Ayham Alali for his server OPG4MERS, And he decided to share it with you

- Rename command
- Lore command
- Shine command (NEW)
- Everything are customized (Messages, commands, permissions)
- Lore supports lines as much as you want
- Remove lore lines
- Enchant command
- Emojies support
- Names history (Soon)
- Update Checker
- Custom UpdateChecker Permission
- A lot of features will come in the next updates, Check TODO list
- Must work with 1.7 - 1.8 - 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11 (1.7 - 1.9 - 1.10 - 1.11 not tested yet)
- Open Source
- Easy to edit code (If you know/don't know coding).

- /Rename <name> (support color codes) - Rename your item
- /Rename help - Show the help message
- /Lore set/add <line number> <lore> - Add/remove Lore/s to/from your item (support color codes)
- /Lore remove/clear <line number>/all - remove line/all
- /Lore help - Show the help message
- /Shine - Make your item shiny without lore (enchantment)
- /Enchant add <enchantment name> <level> - Add a new enchantment v1.1
- /Enchant set <enchantment name> <level> - Remove all enchantments from the held item and add a new one.
- /Enchant removeall - Remove all enchantments from the held item.
- /Enchant help - Show the help message
- /Emoji toggle - Toggle emojis support v1.1
- /Emoji help - Show help message

- Skript 2.1+
- SkQuery
- SkRayFall
- Download all requirements ( Click Here ) Sorry for adf.ly, just trying to make some money from my free resources
- Any Permission plugin

- cto.cmd.lore - Lore command
- cto.cmd.rename - Rename command
- cto.cmd.shine - Shine command
- cto.cmd.enchant - Enchant command v1.1
- cto.cmd.emoji - Emoji command v1.1
- cto.updatecheck (for updates check)

- /Rename reset v1.1
- Emojis support v1.1
- Emoji Comand v1.1
- Blacklist items v1.1
- Help argument v1.1
- Blacklist words v1.1
- Name history
- GUI for emojis
- GUI for name history
- Add Suggestions in discuss page

- If you want to make one, PM me or send the link to me on Discord ( https://discord.gg/uHTVQPD )

- I'm trying hard to earn money to run my server (OPG4MERS) again, So if you want to help me by donating that would be cool, And don't forget to send me your IGN because i will give you "Supporter" rank in my server
- Donate here: paypal.me
- If you have anything else you can donate i will be Thankful to you

- If i forgot something please do not make a bad/low review/rating, Just pm me or make a 5 stars review with your problem and i will fix it quickly.
- 5 Stars review gets full support.
- 4 Stars review gets 75% support.
- 3 Stars and lower might take long time to support.
- If you want me to add more features.. make a 5 stars review with the features you want me to add

- Do not Re-upload this resource on any site
- Do not say this resource made by you (yourself)
- If you want to upload this resource some where contact me and put the original link
- Thank you for Downloading/Using my resource/s
I'm glad you like it. I haven't published any scripts for a long time but I sell unique setups on MCM if you're interested you can look for me there (A Y H A M - #46485)
I may publish some of my scripts later tho.