- Supported Skript Version
- 2.8
- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.20
SkItemCreator V1 is discontinued.
Create custom items, armor-sets, with a lot of parameters!
Addons required: SkBee, Skript-reflect, Skript-yaml
Optional plugins: MythicMobs, ItemsAdder, AdvancedEnchantments
Optional skripts: SkRPG
Wiki here
API Docs here
For version 1.21+, use version 1.9.3 or above.
For versions below 1.21, use 1.9.2.
✎ Create items with lore and name
✎ Custom NBT tags support
✎ Custom crafts
✎ Attributes, armor trims & more
✎ SkRPG compatibility (For stats and mana)
✎ Create items with random stats
✎ MythicMobs compatibility (cast skills with items)
✎ ItemsAdder compatibility
✎ AdvancedEnchantments compatibility (THIS is required)
✎ Create custom armor sets
✎ Parse skript code with items
✎ Create custom rarities
✎ Cooldown options
✎ Item quality in lore (Needs SkRPG)
✎ Custom damage
✎ Custom durability
✎ Item conditions
✎ Universal item layout
You can find some examples in the config files of SkItemCreator. Here's some examples here:
#Note that when the item is generated, a "SKIC-INTERNAL-NAME" tag is added
#to the item's NBT data, which corresponds to the file name.
#Minecraft type of item
#Display name
name: "&cDemon sword"
#Custom model. (Optional)
custom-model: 23
#Lore. (Optional)
- "&7&oAn overpowering sword that"
- "&7&oonly demons can wield"
#Attributes. (Optional)
#Define your attributes as follows: <attribute>:<value>
- generic.attack_damage:10
#Custom NBT Tags. (Optional)
#Can be string or integer.
#Define your tags as follows: <tag>:<value>
- mytag:10
- myanothertag:YAY
#Stats of item
#Requires SkRPG and SkRPGItemsAddon installed.
#Define your stats as follows: <stat>:<value>
#You can define a range for the stat value as followes: <stat>:<min>~<max>
#The item will be registered with the highest value, but if you generate the item with the script's API or command,
#its value will be random between the minimum and maximum.
- strength:10~20
- speed:8
- wisdom:-10
#Set item flags of your item
#List: https://skripthub.net/docs/?id=10829
- hide enchants
#The rarity of the item. You can configure all rarities and create your own in config.yml.
rarity: legendary
#Conditons to use the item
#All conditions can be configured in config.yml.
#Player needs to have 5 Strength at minimal to use this sword
value: strength
amount: 5
#Note that when the item is generated, a "SKIC-INTERNAL-NAME" tag is added
#to the item's NBT data, which corresponds to the file name.
#Minecraft type of item
#Display name
name: "&bMagic &dstaff"
#Lore. (Optional)
- "&7&oA scepter brimming with magic!"
- ""
- "&3❥ &bVery cool spell &e&lRIGHT-CLICK"
- " &8Casts a MythicMobs spell"
- " &7Mana cost: &330"
#The rarity of the item. You can configure all rarities and create your own in config.yml.
rarity: rare
#You can configure some MythicMobs spells that can be used with the item, as well as a mana cost.
#Casts the spell CoolSkill on righ-click.
mana-cost: 30
cooldown: 12 seconds
- SKICLoadConfig(file)
> Write "ALL" to load all files
> Write the name of a file to reload it only (example: "myfile")
- SKICLoreLayoutOrganize(item)
> Returns your item with its lore reorganized according to 'lore-layout' in config.yml
> Replacd 'item' by an item (example: tool of player)
- SKICRandomGenerate(itemid) [NEEDS SKRPG]
> Returns an item with random stats. Only works if your item has random stats
configured in its config.
> Replace itemdid by the file name of your item (example: "magic_staff")
- SKICRegenItem(item) [NEEDS SKRPG]
> Returns your item with new stats generated randomly. This function is only useful
if your item has random stats in its config, otherwise the returned item will always
be the same.
> Replace 'item' by an item (example: tool of player)
- SKICCalculateQuality(item)
> If 'enable-quality' is enabled in config.yml, this will display the item quality
in the lore of the provided item which is returned by the function.
Its quality is calculated based on the amount of applied statistics. If the item
has its statistics at the maximum, the quality expressed in % will be higher.
> Replace 'item' by an item (example: tool of player)
- SKICInternalNameOfItem(item)
> Returns the internal name of the provided item if it exists in SkItemCreator
> Replace 'item' by an item (example: tool of player)
- SKICRegisterItemManually(item, name)
> Allows registering an item manually in the database (does nothing if name is alredy registered)
> Example: SKICRegisterItemManually(tool of player, "my_tool")
- SKICDurabilitySet(item, amount)
> Set the custom durability of an item. Only works if the item has a custom durability in its file
> This function returns the updated item
- SKICDurabilityAdd(item, amount)
> Repair the item's custom durability by the given amount
> This function returns the updated item
- SKICDurabilityRemove(item, amount)
> Reduce the item's custom durability by the given amount
> This function returns the updated item
- SKICDurabilityFullRepair(item)
> Fully repairs the item's custom durability
> This function returns the updated item
Main command: /skitemcreator (aliases: /skic, /ski)
✎ /skitemcreator gui
Open a GUI will all items.
✎ /skitemcreator get <name>
Gives an item to you
✎ /skitemcreator reroll
Randomly regenerates the statistics of the item held in hand
✎ /skitemcreator randomgen <name>
Gives you the item with random statistics
✎ /skitemcreator reload [<name>]
Reload the item's file. Write 'ALL' to reload all files.
For hex colors, go to https://www.birdflop.com/resources/rgb/ and use the &x&r&r&g&g&b&b format :)