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best skript addon for 1.14+!
try it an convince yourself!
Thanks for your review! If you have any suggestions or syntax requests, let me know.
This is an awesome addon for Skript. Can't wait for goals! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for your review! :)
Updating Goals is my current project. If you have any other suggestions/requests, please let me know!
Worked great for all my 1.16 - 1.18 time. But Skript 2.6.2 broke it now :( Can you please give it an update to make it work again?
So exactly what i need, i was search this feature after 1.14 release
and i found this feature when Skript 1.14 release, this is so Perfect!
Thanks for your review! :)
Are there any other features/suggestions you'd like me to add in the next update?