Misk - A Miscellaneous Addon
For Skript 1.14.1+
For Skript 1.14.1+
The purpose of this addon is to add a few bits and pieces of syntax that aren't present in vanilla Skript or in other addons. It also contains things from very outdated add-ons, as well as syntax that I use on my own projects.
It will be updated regularly with new things, as well as simplified utilities for Skript-Mirror users.
WARNING: This is currently in an alpha state. There will almost certainly be bugs.
Expect regular updates as I improve stuff, fix bugs and add new features.
Requirements (Things you must have!)
- Skript v2.4 Alpha: https://github.com/SkriptLang/Skript/releases/
- PaperSpigot 1.14.1
- ProtocolLib (latest dev build)
Images and Examples (from my server)
A Wandering Trader with custom recipes. Wait! That's illegal.
Code used:
A Wandering Trader with custom recipes. Wait! That's illegal.
add trade (a new trade of air and air for slimeball) to target entity
A Custom Merchant Object using 1.14's new model data. Check out my custom item registry resource for more info.
An example of controllable Ravagers, using the on vehicle steer: event with ProtocolLib.
Careful, this was quite an old test, and it also required some other addons and a lot of skript-mirror. But it's still possible!
Current features (Currently in the plugin, available for use)
- Villager effects
- Custom trades
- Custom merchant objects
- Wandering Trader syntax
- ID-based merchants (Unfinished, but theoretically available)
- Vehicle steer event (ProtocolLib required)
- Advancements menu toggle (ProtocolLib required)
- Client-side equipment (ProtocolLib required)
- Working jump event
- Resource pack accept/reject/send/cancel events
- Loot restock (PaperSpigot?)
- Loot-table utilities
- More packet listeners (unless a stable MundoSK is released.)
- More villager events
- Utilities for lists, arraylists, treemaps, etc. in skript.
- Basic file utilities
Recipes in a merchant are numbered 0, 1, 2, etc...
Starting from zero like inventory slots.
Be careful with this!
[a] new merchant named %string%
# returns new custom merchant object, store this in a variable
[the] (recipe|trade) count of [merchant] %merchant%
[the] (recipe|trade) count of villager %entity%
# gets the numerical count
(dis|en)able (trade|recipe) %integer% of [merchant] %merchant%
(dis|en)able (trade|recipe) %integer% of villager %entity%
# disables a trade
add (trade|recipe)[s] %merchantrecipes% to [merchant] %merchant%
add (trade|recipe)[s] %merchantrecipes% to villager %entity%
# add a custom merchant recipe to a merchant/villager
open merchant %merchant% to %players%
open villager %entity% to %players%
# opens a custom merchant object/villager to a player for trading
set trade %integer% of merchant %merchant% to %merchantrecipe%
# replace an EXISTING trade with a new one
[a] new (merchant recipe|trade) of %itemtypes% and %itemtypes% for %itemtypes%
# create a new merchant recipe, that can be added to a villager/CMO
on vehicle steer[ing]:
#vehicle steer, event-string is the key pressed, W A S D SPACEBAR and SHIFT
on open [of] advancements [menu]:
# called when you press 'L' to open/close advancements menu
command /blob:
set {_m} to a new merchant named "Trader"
add (a new trade of (2 of gold ingot) and (stone) for (iron ingot named "bob")) to {_r::*}
add (a new trade of (1 of gold ingot) and (air) for (gold ingot named "fred")) to {_r::*}
add trades {_r::*} to merchant {_m}
open merchant {_m} to player
set {_e} to target entity
set {_r} to a new trade of stone and stick for slimeball
add trade {_r} to villager {_e}
on vehicle steer:
event-string is "SPACEBAR"
push player's vehicle up at speed 10
# maybe don't try this, else you'll end up in space...
# this can be used to make controllable vehicles
# if you need help/examples, you can ask me :)
The plugin contains a MerchantUtils class.
You can use this to easily mess with CMOs and villagers, as well as using syntax that isn't publically available yet!
These are designed to simplify Bukkit methods. They will not change between versions (as Bukkit methods sometimes do).
Add this to the top of your skript:
You can then use the following methods in your code:
And our two favourites...
You can use this to easily mess with CMOs and villagers, as well as using syntax that isn't publically available yet!
These are designed to simplify Bukkit methods. They will not change between versions (as Bukkit methods sometimes do).
Add this to the top of your skript:
You can then use the following methods in your code:
set {variable} to LootTableUtils.newSeed()
# returns a Java Random
set {variable} to SkriptUtils.getItemStack({item-here})
# returns a real Bukkit itemstack
set {list} to MerchantUtils.tradeList()
set {list} to MerchantUtils.tradeList({recipes})
# returns a mutable Java List for MerchantRecipes
# the second allows you to add a pre-existing collection
set {recipe} to MerchantUtils.disableRecipe({recipe})
set {recipe} to MerchantUtils.enableRecipe({recipe})
MerchantUtils.disableRecipe(merchant, integer)
MerchantUtils.enableRecipe(merchant, integer)
# allows you to disable individual recipes from a merchant or from a villager/wandering trader
set {recipe} to MerchantUtils.getRecipe(merchant, integer)
# returns a recipe at an index. Indices go from 0+, like inventory slots
MerchantUtils.merchant(name, tradelist)
MerchantUtils.merchant(recipes[ ])
MerchantUtils.merchant(name, recipes[ ])
# Simple CMO creators for every situation
# The last two accept a collection. It's just to cover every possibility
MerchantUtils.openMerchant(player, merchant)
# Simple CMO creators for every situation
And our two favourites...
MerchantUtils.setResult(merchant, integer, itemstack)
MerchantUtils.recipeWithResult(merchantrecipe, itemstack)
# Bukkit doesn't allow this by default, it took me a while to work around!
# Remember that these take ITEMSTACKS. Use the getItemStack() method.
MerchantUtils.tradeCreator(itemstack, itemstack, itemstack)
# A LOT simpler than Bukkit's constructor. Also handles all the hard work for you.
# Bukkit doesn't allow this by default, it took me a while to work around!
# Remember that these take ITEMSTACKS. Use the getItemStack() method.
Found a Bug?!?
- Are you on a supported 1.14.1 PaperSpigot?
- Are you on a supported 2.4.x Skript?
- Are you on a supported ProtocolLib version?
- Are you sure it isn't a Spigot bug?
- Are you sure it isn't a Skript bug?
- Are you sure it's a MiSK bug?
Discord: Moderocky#0001
REMINDER: There will be bugs. This is an ALPHA release, to be used with an ALPHA Skript version.
If you find a bug, contact me here or on discord: Moderocky#0001 and you can get support.
Got a suggestion/feature request?
Contact me on Discord!