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Item Generators 1.0

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Item Generators by Lime

Adds item generators to your world. Fully customizable and designed for your modifications. Great for Bedwars servers.


- Designed for you to modify to your liking. Whatever fits your server.
- Change location, spawn rate, items and limit of generators with a simple command.
- Item merge cancellation.
- Ready for you to control what happens when the items are picked up. There is a simple example at bottom of script.
- Proper and efficient programming.
- Proper handling of variables. No un-needed variables stored in your database.
- Lightweight and small.
- Developer support and Q&A via private message.

- /creategenerator <itemtypes> <timespan>
permission: generators.create
- Setup a generator with defined itemtypes and the delay spawn rate.
Example: /creategenerator diamond and iron ingot 5 seconds

- /generators
permission: generators.list
- List all generators with their status

-/setgeneratoritems <number> <itemtypes>
permission: generators.items
- Change the items a generator spawns. The number is the ID given to the generator.

-/setgeneratorlocation <number>
permission: generators.location
- Change the location of a generator. The number is the ID given to the generator.

-/setgeneratorlimit <number> <number>
permission: generators.limit
- Change the spawn limit of a generator. Default is 25. The number is the ID given to the generator.

/setgeneratortime <number> <timespan>
permission: generators.time
- Change the spawn rate delay of a generator. The number is the ID given to the generator.

/togglegenerator <number>
permission: generators.toggle
- Start/End a generator task. The number is the ID given to the generator.

/deletegenerator [<number>]
permission: generators.delete
- Delete a generator. No number argument will delete all generators. There is a warning when deleting all generators. The number is the ID given to the generator.

/cleargeneratordrops [<number>]
permission: generators.clear
- Clear the drops of a generator. No number argument will delete all generator drops. The number is the ID given to the generator.

If you require the generators to spawn items under a second, such as in ticks 1, 5, 10 or 15 ticks. There is an option inside the script at the top that allows you to change the clock speed to lower than a second.

Use metadata tag "generator-id" on the dropped item to get the id of the generator. You can then get all generator information with variable patterns
- {generators::%{_GENERATOR}%::running} - boolean, state if running.
- {generators::%{_GENERATOR}%::location} - location, block above location of generator.
- {generators::%{_GENERATOR}%::timespan} - timespan, spawn rate.
- {generators::%{_GENERATOR}%::limit} - number, limit of dropped items allowed on ground for generator.
- {generators::%{_GENERATOR}%::items::*} - itemtypes, the item types to spawn for the generator.

If you require to spawn items with names or lores, you will have to modify the drop effect in the periodic event. Example:
enchant {_item} with sharpness
drop {_item} named "&aexample" with lore "line1", "line2" and "line3" at {_location} without velocity
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Last update
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