Addon GameAPI 2.0.3

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It's been a long time since I've updated GameAPI, but don't worry, there were many tests going on. So, this new version is now available!

⚠️This version has probably breaking changes. Please report me any issue you have here ⚠️

Here are changes
  • A launching system with a custom cooldown system. The yaml file will be like
  time: 20
  messages_as: message
    '20': Game starts in ${time}
    '15': Game starts in ${time}
    '10': Game starts in ${time}
    '9': Game starts in ${time}
    '8': Game starts in ${time}
    '7': Game starts in ${time}
    '6': Game starts in ${time}
    '5': Game starts in ${time}
    '4': Game starts in ${time}
    '3': Game starts in ${time}
    '2': Game starts in ${time}
    '1': Game starts in ${time}

➡️ time is how much time will pass before the game starts (in seconds)
➡️ messages_as is the form of all messages. It can be message (in the chat), title or action_bar
➡️ '20': blabla is when the message will appear. Here it will be at the 20th second
➡️ ${time} is a "string var" that will be replace with the current time in the cooldown
  • Better yaml files
  • A rework of Game and Team class
    • Added a GameRunner and GameManager class. GameRunner class is a thread that will start when the game starts and GameManager is an abstract class that includes all important methods (like display name etc...).
A lot of new features will be available in the future. Have a look here to be hyped!
➡️ ⬅️
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Reactions: Ayham Alali

Hey there!
A new release of GameAPI is now available with a lot of hot fix and of course new feature to make your imagination for games awesome!

Here are changes:


  • Signs issue fixed
  • Skript events (was link with wrong Bukkit event) fixed
  • Game loader message fixed
  • Point system issue fixed
  • Wrong messages fixed


  • Possibility to clear players from team and/or game (e.g remove all players from team "red" of game "test")
  • More syntaxes for Point system (e.g raw points, check the documentation to see them)
  • Version checker
  • Metrics


  • Improvements Game type. Now you can take the game of the player everytime (was limited to if player was in the game, worked not if the player was only in a team).
  • When a player in a game die, he will be teleported at the spawn of his team (or the spawn of the game) (Can be disabled)
  • Default spawn locations y coordination (now y = 150)
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Reactions: Ayham Alali